Weird Weekend

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Had a post all done yesterday and blogger ate it! Hate it when that happens! Anyway I was going to say that this weekend has been a weird one. Yesterday I was in a total funk all day, just feeling blah. Working on articles and really not feeling it. Last night we went out to a housewarming at friends, with some GREAT homemade Indian food and had a great time. Just what I needed to recharge!

Lately I've been getting a lot of questions about sketches and I just thought I'd take some time to answer them here rather than sending the same answers to everyone, and I'm feeling lazy today!!!

Do you allow people to be published with my sketches?
Yes! Submit away! But please acknowledge the sketch creator in the supply list. I realise that some mags don't publish this info but heck you did your part!

Are people being published with the sketches?
Again yes! You'll see I myself have been pulling work out and replacing with "out for publication" signs. I know of at least 2 people who will be in the June/July issue of Ready Set Create with layouts/cards made from my sketches! And I'd like to say PLEASE let me know if you're being published with my sketches! I LOVE to see them being used and would love to see them published!

I need more layout sketches, are you doing more layout sketches soon?
Have one coming up in a week or so, I need to get it out to the sketch girls! Definately having at least one or two layout sketches (with digital template freebies) each month.

Where do you get your ideas from?
Everywhere! My old layouts, cereal boxes, a logo or ad I see. It really can be anything. I might see a cluster of button embellishments in a magazine layout that makes me want to use buttons for a month it really depends on a lot of things! I've been in stamping mode lately. Though I do try and offer different sizes, formats or styles each week.

How about sketches for 8.5 x 11 layouts?
Sketches for paper scrapping I think most people can convert 12 x 12 to 8.5 x 11 but thats something for me to consider. As for digital templates I hadn't thought about it. Might have to do a little research see how many 8.5 x 11 digi scrappers there are? If you digi scrap that size and want templates for that size let me know (email link to the left).

Do you start with the sketch first or the project first or the sketch?
Both! Something I sit and draw out tons of sketches, especially if I'm sick or waiting for something. Other times I'll just create lots of cards and take the sketches from the cards.

Are you doing any more collaborations with other designers?
I have one rough layout sketch a friend sent me which I'm gonna change slightly, and should be offering that as a unique sketch later this month. Other than that I am happy where I am right now, I need to spend a couple of months settling into my position on Scrapstreet, and I have a guest design team position in June which is going to be fun.

What program do you use?
I use photoshop CS2 but I first started basic sketches in Paint Shop Pro. Any drawing program will work for a basic flat image sketch, even sketching on some blank paper with a pencil and scanning it into the computer. For the digital template photoshop is awesome! I switched from Paint Shop Pro to Photoshop CS2 and although the learning curve was steep (they are a lot different!) I don't regret it one bit!

Do you sell the digital layout templates?
I hope to have some ready to sell in the future yes. I have a file FULL of sketches that I want to convert to digital templates so yes its something I plan on doing, you know... in my spare time!

Are you going to offer more digital freebie kits?
Ah the burning question! Short answer: YES! I've only been making digital kits since Novemeber last year and I took a break after CHA this year and I have 1 kit unreleased due to store issues (valentine kit - which would be pretty pointless to release right now), and I have a couple of partly done kits. I have LOTS of things I want to try though! I hope to start offering a mini kit freebie at least every other month! Depends on some other things I have going on "behind the scenes" right now.

Ok I think thats it. I am almost caught up on blog emails so if you're owed a reply its either sent or coming soon! If anyone has anymore questions let me know, either in the comments or email me! I am totally open to sharing any info, things learned, or general questions scrap related or not.

And with that we're off dirtbiking for the afternoon! Catchya tomorrow and hope everyone has a great Mothers day!


michelle sturgeon May 14, 2007 at 5:48 AM  

Thank you for taking the time to answer all of these questions, Di! You're awesome!

Kathy May 15, 2007 at 3:06 PM  

What size templates are these? Card size?
I am very new to digi scrappin - so am loving the templates a lot.
I am going to do both 12x12 and 8.5 X 11.

Kathy May 15, 2007 at 3:07 PM  

Oh, and I have no clue on how to reformat a 12x12 template to the rectangle - must be the newbie in me.

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