Thursday, December 15, 2005

So traditions aside from the decorating: no-one opens presents until Christmas morning. We will have a small gift exchange on yule (21st) but the main gift giving has been on the 25th (due to family being here then); I have the rule that everyone has to have breakfast first, this is from my mother though and my love of breakfast, it wakes me up; Usually I hand out the presents and then we open them. I cook lunch (with Bobs assistance) and we eat a big lunch around 1pm. We're veggie so we'll have a tofurkey (or similar) some veggie ham, mash potatoes, veggies, yorkshire pudding, stuffing, saus wrapped in bacon, and anything else Bob thinks of! Topped with gravy, and with mint or apple sauce. Yum; the dishwasher gets put on, and we watch tv (usually the old movies). Having read some blog entries about traditions I think we're ready to start our own.
Well I'm off to finish trimming the tree, tidying up and thinking what to do for dinner later. Where did this morning go? I will leave you will a small sample of our tree, as yet I haven't got a decent photo of the whole thing. Keep trying Di!
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