Ok as promised here is the toot I was holding in for what seemed like FOREVER! I can't tell you how good this feels to finally get out into the open!

Did you check the list? Yep I'm on it!Woohoo! Scrapbook Dimensions is the new hybrid magazine and they are releasing a calendar! I am so happy to be a part of this project! Tons of inspiration in this guaranteed!
The calendar retails for $24.99 and you can order it HERE. There will be challenges, contests and prizes in the forum that go along with the calendar so its year long round FUN! I can't wait! I'm so proud to be a part of this!
Whohoo! Congrats to contributing to such a cool project. Can't wait to see what's in it!
Good on you Di see all that work has paid off
Oops..you took a jpeg of the PDF preview of the calendar...the preview has skewed colors. You needed to download the PDF to get the colors the same as what is on the website. KWIM? The main colors of the calendar should show as yellow and blue.
Anyways, Yay!!! I'm so excited you could participate. Have a marvelous day sweets!
Fabulous KUDOS to you for all the wonderful happenings you have shared with us through your newsletter. I read about the subscription and info, but I am unable to participate. I can't use my hand to hold items because of the unsteadiness of my hands with the illness produced tremors. Anyway, so glad you are definitely moving up in this world. SMILE>
This is my Oncology week, so I am stopping by real quick. The meds make me so sleepy. But I am blessed that I do not have negative reactions only the sleepiness. I slept all day today, I know I am going to have a time sleeping tonight although I am still sleepy. The same thing happened yesterday. To add to the misery, my veins blow & move. So I had to have 9 sticks before I could even start. They are going to talk with my Dr because now it is time to implant a portal. Oh well, I still can visit and say hello. Any free time, you might have, please think of me. Leavin LUV! XOXOXO
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