Rockin' girl "thinking" blogger
Tuesday, July 31, 2007

- Nancy - girl always makes me laugh!
- La Tonya - Only scrapper I met online that I met IRL. Rockin' at CHA!
- Julie Ann - always pushed me, helped me and always makes me think! And so willing to share information!
- Shimelle - don't know her personally, never met her, stalk her blog. I wish I could be as free in creating as she is. And the woman rocks the cupcakes!
- My sketch girls! Had to mention them! Every week they rock my sketches and I get a bounty of eye candy in my inbox to share with you all!

So again to nominate 5 sites worthy of a thinking blogger, hmmm let's see.
- The EDS blog, loved that site from the get go and always inspires me
- Julie Ann gets mentioned again cos well every conversation with her leaves me with so much to do! This woman makes me think!
- Keri Smith - if you don't know her - go now and read her blog! Awesome illustrator and artist.
- craft magazine - blog about all things crafty
- Angie Pederson - scrapbook industry news, she keeps me informed of all things scrap related
You really are rockin', girl!!
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