Animal Cruelty :(

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

There is a video on YouTube right now of a young teenage girl throwing puppies into a River. I am not linking or embedding this video because quiet frankly it disturbs and saddens me that anyone could do this kind of behavior let alone a young teen, plus if you are like me and my friends you'll be crying for those poor puppies! If you want to view it just go to YouTube/google and put 'girl throws puppies into river' into the search 100's of hits come up including a lot of outraged respondents!

I have always been an advocate for animal rights and always will be, but puppies/dogs are my achilles heel, I LOVE dogs! I hate animal cruelty and I've been vegetarian for almost 20 years. If  this girl had puppies and couldn't  find homes for them, then just take them to the local shelter or rescue group!!! Don't kill them, and definitely don't drown them in a River, whilst someone records you like it's some fun event?

When I see and hear stuff like this I lose faith in humanity a little more each time :( 


Barbara September 2, 2010 at 3:41 AM  

I hope this young girl who has no problem murdering defensless trusting babies (puppies ARE babies) never ever has children; she's obviously disturbed. I didn't watch the video and do not plan would make me cry inside all day long!
BTW....I love, love, LOVE this picture of your (?) dog. Precious!

Anonymous,  September 2, 2010 at 10:12 AM  

Hi Di, I am also appalled at what some people can do to animals. If you haven't met Bernie Berlin yet, you should. She's an inspiration to all who believe that every life, no matter how small is worth saving.!/aplacetobark

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