Sunday Scribblings #38 - Anticipation

Tuesday, December 19, 2006


As soon as I hit send it's gone
but I know I cannot forget.
Its part of who I am to stew
pondering a question or two.
Will they pick me?
Will I make the team?
Did I send the best projects?
Why didn't I make more for the call?
Everytime it's the same.
Everytime I sit and stew.
The calls go out
the anticipation grows
will I be one of the chosen few?
I press F5, refresh, send and recieve
check the emails again and again
nothing, nothing, sometimes nothing
occasionally the "thanks but no thanks" email
anticipation over, another round begins.
but then some days, there it is,
that happy email arrives in my inbox.
I break out into a huge grin!
Anticipation over.
Another round begins...


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