June Round-Up
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
What books and/or magazines did I read this month? Magazines! I read a copy of the new hybrid magazine Scrapbook Dimensions, Scrapbooks Etc (July), Simple Scrapbooks (July/Aug), and Digital Scrapbooking (June/July). I opted not to get July's Creating Keepsakes. I did a quick flick through at the newstand and opted for Simple Scrapbooks. Which I have to say I LOVED this issue! Definately will be reviewing all of the ones I read soon! Books again nothing! Had too much stuff going on to get into anything else really. I want to get back on track, get ahead then get back to the library! Though our library sucks, so maybe Borders.
What movies and/or tv shows did I watch this month? I'm not even going there! Everything has ended and there is nothing to watch anymore! Although the new series of Ghost Hunters and Miami Ink started. Oh we did watch Ghostrider, which sucked. Some ok effects but lacking in storyline. Hard to find a good movie these days.
What special days did I celebrate and how? Hmmm, none really in June
What gifts did I give and/or receive? I sent and received a few RAKs from/for scrapbooking friends. Got some design team goodies which always make me smile! Bob gave me his biking keychain so that's sitting on my bike right now. I can't think of anything else in June.
What illnesses or health concerns did I have? Killer kidney infection that knocked me off my feet for days! Took a while to get over that one. Oh and my allergies are flaring up BIGTIME! Sheesh!
What fun things did I do with my friends and/or family? We got out riding earlier in June, to Rowher. We had a few meals out with various friends. Um what else... usual stuff really!
What new foods, recipes or restaurants did I try this month? no new restaurants. New foods, Bob got some Wasabi peas from Trader Joes - YUK! Haven't really had anything else new I don't think.
What special or unusual purchases did I make? Nothing that special or unusual but I did purchase a new scrapping tool! I got an Around the Block tagger! Review to come soon! Loving it so far!

What were this month's disappointments? Getting sick. Really, it just knocked the stuffing right outta me! Other than that, Bob working a ton of hours for the current project. It really took a toll on him (and me, and us). Hoping that this month is
What were my accomplishments this month? I was the guest designer at the Everyday Digital Scrapbooking blog. Love the team there and was so excited and honored to be asked to become a permanent team member! I got a layout accepted for book publication! My newsletter continues to grow and I have to change the delivery of it soon, it's gotten too big for me to handle alone so Bob has set me up with a mailing list which I'll be switching to soon.I have a few other things that I'm working on right now with more details to come soon!
Anything else noteworthy to record? On a more personal note Bob and I went for biometrics (fingerprinting) for our greencard processing. Another small step, and another long wait ahead.
Creative stuff
6 paper layouts
13 digital layouts
13 cards
4 projects
I've noticed I really don't remember anything very well! lol! Must get better at keeping my journal for all these details!
Today I'm working on the Scrapstreet Card Column for August so if you submitted start stalking your emails! I'm also expecting a design team package full of CHA goodies! More details later!
I can't wait to get the review of your new tagging tool. I saw that recently was debating with myself on whether or not I should get it. I'll look for your review before deciding.
Great job on the roundup :) I will have to check out that tag tool - looks like fun!
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