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Sunday, January 13, 2008

Firstly, more projects with Dreamstreet and the tea for two paper line! This was when I was down to the last few bits of scraps and managed to stretch out another couple of cards. It's kinda loosely based on my latest sketch. Oh and you would NOT believe how long these buttons have been in my stash! They were from my very first design team package back in in April 2006!!! I told you I have a slight stash problem!

Supplies: Paper: Dreamstreet (card), DCWV (envelope); Rub-on: Scrap-ease; Buttons: EK success;

You'll be glad to know that I started creating again! Don't know what it was, probably more of a mental block than anything but I just didn't create for almost a week, which is very rare for me, as I usually create daily! I guess having other stuff to do (paperwork) just takes priority sometimes. Plus the good news is due out soon and I've had lots to do for that.

Anyway Laine of the LOAD challenge at BPS, posted this meme on her blog on Wednesday. She'd found it on Vicki Howells blog and thought it was cool, and so did I!

1. What did you do in 2007 that you'd never done before?
Went to CHA, got an SLR, went to the L.A Planetarium, learned how to cook Indian food! Lots more that I've forgotten here too...

2. What are your New Years Resolutions?
Push myself to reach my goals, follow flylady, and to get the garden under control.

3. Did anyone close to you give birth in 2007?
Not that I know of.

4. Did anyone close to you die.

5. What countries did you visit?
None, we're still waiting on our greencards to arrive before we can travel abroad.

6. What would you like to have in 2008 that you lacked in 2007?
I really don't know. I'd like to achieve all the goals I set myself for this year, but once I started a list I couldn't stop so it's quite long now, lol.

7. What date(s) in 2007 will remain etched in your memory and why?
I don't remember dates, I remember events/moments. Events: getting my SLR, Gautam moving, my parents visiting, CHA, going riding (ok I remember the falling off more).

8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Getting on manufacturer design teams, been so much fun! And the biggie - finally getting our Greencard approval!!! Getting a layout picked up for Simple Scrapbooks again, proving that I CAN do it! lol! Other news I got toward the end of the year that I can't share yet.

9. What was your biggest failure?
I tend not to see things as failures. Lets call them missed opportunities, and they were very few. I did have a layout I was almost positive would get picked up but didn't, and the reverse of ones I didn't think they'd like and I got calls back the next day. Weird how that works out!

10. Did you suffer any illness or injury?
Lots of tumbles off the motorbike. I still have a dent and bruise in my left thigh from when I fell off at Gormon. Also my shoulder is prone to aches from a fall at Rowher. Gotta love motor sports! I'm tough, I can handle it!

11. What was the best thing someone bought you?
My SLR! Love it! Really need to spend time with that in 2008!

12. Whose behavior merited celebration?
Bob who bought me said SLR :)

13. Whose behavior appalled and depressed you?
They know who they are... I wasn't really appalled or depressed, more disappointed.

14. Where did most of your money go?
Car payments and mortgage, usual stuff. We paid my Tuscon off though, and Bob got a new truck. We got some new toys too (PS3, rock band, new camera).

15. What did you get really, really excited about?
Again can't say yet. I was excited about CHA, and some publishing opportunities I got. Like getting my first layout accepted by Memory Makers (Feb issue out now).

16. What song(s) reminds you of 2007?
No particular song, but artists like Avril Lavigne, All American Rejects, Greenday (I have a slight problem of listening to the American Idiot CD over and over in the car, it's a good album so I don't care!), James Blunt and Dido.

17. Compared to last year are you...
a.) Happier or Sadder? Happier
b.) Thinner or Fatter? About the same I think
c.) Richer or Poorer? Bob did get a bonus or two so maybe slightly richer? I guess I got some money in 2007 also from publications and stuff so yeah we earned more, but then the prices on everything went up! So really about the same... Did you see the cost of gas again?

18. What do you wish you'd done more of?
Anything, just be more productive!

19. What do you wish you'd done less of?
Surfing the web - what a time sink! Something I really need to limit. Oh and watching crap TV shows (which is 95% of American TV). One reason we've got rid of cable.

20. How did you spend Christmas?
At home for lunch with big dinner, then Karaoke with friends at Sriki's. First year we've been out to someone else's place for years so was good fun.

21. Did you fall in love in 2007.
Been in love for a while, but yeah I do love him more each day (stop laughing!)

22. How many one night stands did you have?
Um, none! Been married 9 years.

23. What was your favorite TV program?
Tie between Greys anatomy and House. Love them both. As I mentioned though we got rid of our cable TV mid December so no more TV talk.

24. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't this time last year?
To quote Laine from her entry: "Hatred is the wrong word. There are people I'm working on letting go of. But that's about as far as I'm going to go". I feel the same way. There are a couple of people who I won't be interacting with anymore, goes back to #13 really.

25. What was the best book you read?
Ali Edwards "Life Artist"! Really makes you look at what you scrapbook. In fact I haven't finished it completely. I did the cursory initial flick through then started to read it, got half way through and had to create.
I guess that's a good compliment for a craft book? I have dog eared some pages, and I think I'm 2/3 through it now.

26. What did you do on your birthday and how old were you?
Nothing much done in the day, in the evening we went out with friends for a meal, good fun! Oh and I was 36.

27. What was your best musical discovery?
Oooh Tricky one. Can I count "rock band"? It's my blog, so I'm gonna say yeah, rock band the game. Total fun! We totally play it a lot. In fact we JUST played it last night for the first time in a week as Bob cut his thumb last Saturday and couldn't play. Amazingly we haven't lost our touch, but yeah not practicing shows!

28. What did you want and get?
Manufacturer design teams. Each year I set myself goals, and I work on small steps to achieve them. At the end of 2006 I applied for 2 manufacturer design teams, and in Jan 2007 (and on the same day) I found I'd made both. My other goal was to get published more times in magazines than I had in 2006, which I also met. I wanted a place on an ezine team, and got it. I tell you making goals is the way to go!

29. What was your favorite film of the year?
HA! Um... you expect me to remember? We don't watch that many... So I just looked online: 300, knocked up, harry potter, oceans 13, Ratatouille, Simpsons, Superbad, blades of glory, die hard 4, Transformers... Wow obviously I forget a lot. Liked all these but 300 was beautiful, and I laughed out loud at Superbad. Was "the fuzz" from 2007? I liked that, but not as good as "shawn of the dead", that was hilarious!

30. What did you want and not get?
World peace? Greencard (see below).

31. What one thing would've made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Actually GETTING the greencard! Seems ages since we got the approval notice (I think it's about 10 months ago!), now for them to just send the dang things!

32. How would you describe your fashion concept for 2007?
Fashion? Um, jeans, shorts, t-shirts and bike gear. I did buy a few new things for CHA though, and a couple of things throughout the year. I really need to buy more clothes (I keep saying this!).

33. What kept you sane?
Who wants to be sane?

34. Which celebrity or public figure did you admire most?
I actually admire a lot of people for different reasons. Anyone who knows me knows that with regards to scrapbooking style and personality it has to be Cathy Zielske. I love her blog (so glad she's blogging again!) and her honesty. She's kinda goofy funny, and a little crazy. I see a lot of myself in her. Other people I admire, well Ali Edwards naturally, Stacy Julian (love her message of scrapping simple and non-chronologically - totally what I'm all about!), Tara Whitney the photo godess, Keri Smith because she makes me think. I've been following Keri Smiths blog for a long while, she's one of many artists I follow, if you read anything on her site READ THIS. Lot's more people in the industry that I admire, to many to mention.

35. What political issue stirred you most?
I stay away from it. I can't vote, so there is nothing I do about it anyway!

36. Who do you miss?
Gautam! Family. My comfy jeans that ripped at the back pocket (don't you hate that).

37. Who was the best new person you met?
Does meeting online people in person count? I met Kim and La Tonya and lots of other people at CHA, always fun. Met Nikki this year who was awesome!

38. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned.
Things happen for a reason! I truly believe it! If you want something and don't get it, it's not meant to be because you're destined for something else. That and with planning and goal setting, almost anything is possible, lol!

39. Quote a song line that defines your year.
Tough one! I really struggled to think of anything as I tend to follow my mood with songs but I think this defines my year, by Nina Simone

"Its a new dawn
Its a new day
Its a new life
For me
And Im feeling good"

I admit I like Nina Simone (my music tastes really are widely varied!). I first discovered her music after watching a film called "Assassin" (which I think is called something different here in America) but yeah 2007 definitely was a year of change, and lots of fun things still to come!


Anonymous,  January 13, 2008 at 1:53 PM  

I loved looking at the answers to your questions!!! I stole it for my blog (hope that was okay)! It's good to reflect.


armywife January 13, 2008 at 9:33 PM  

Love this! May have to steal it for mine as well!

Murphy's Law January 14, 2008 at 4:01 AM  

wow. love your answers. very cool.

Anonymous,  January 14, 2008 at 5:01 AM  

This was really fun, Di! Since I'm new to your site, it was great to get to know you a bit!

Nancywithajones January 14, 2008 at 11:42 AM  

hahahahaha loved your answers girlfriend.. I can say that I cant call you my little alien friend anymore hehehehehehe love ya MEAN ITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!

already blogged so I will do this tomorrow.

Theresa Tyree January 16, 2008 at 5:57 AM  

Cool, meme, Di! I "borrowed" it for my own blog. BTW, Jozzie sent me here. Nice to "meet" you!

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