Round up! April - something I do every month since seeing it on Katie the scrapbook lady's blog last year. Fun way to round up the month with personal info without bogging my blog down with personal 'stuff' each week.
What books and/or magazines did I read this month?
Rereading old magazines still. Hoping to finish up the pile this month then freecycle them.
What special days did I celebrate and how?
Nothing special in April. Just some family birthdays.
What gifts did I give and/or receive?
Continued with the Friday Freebies. I got some gardening books and a few plants off Freecycle.
What illnesses or health concerns did I have?
Well the beginning of the month I was still battling flu, seemed to be just getting over it, then I burnt my hand on some steam whilst cooking :( Here is a pic of my hand on day 4. (no pics of the first day or two cos frankly it hurt too much and holding the camera one handed is NOT easy!)

As you can see it was right over my knuckles and along the fingers. By this time it wasn't that sore as long as I didn't touch it, put anything on it, and kept it cool. I burnt my leg in March whilst riding. Caught my leg on the exhaust during one of my many falls, and it burnt straight through my pants (so much for the Kevlar padding there!). Only a small burn then though, size of a dime on the inside of my right knee. Nothing like this months!!! Hoping this isn't a new monthly 'trend'. I think I mentioned this before but I am EXTREMELY accident prone! *sigh*
What fun things did I do with my friends and/or family?
Went out for a couple of meals with friends but again having a hand slathered in cream didn't really make for an interesting time. Mostly just stayed home and kept my hand clean.
What new foods, recipes or restaurants did I try this month?
Nothing new for me. Everything was seriously impacted by my hand.
What special or unusual purchases did I make?I actually started using ebay again! I knew someone who was selling their recent magazines and so I bidded, and won. I want to get some of my supplies on Ebay too once I get well and truly organized in here. Hopefully I'll be done this week!
Got new bedding and comforter for Flylady's habit for April was making your bed, so what better way than with new bedding!

Our old comforter had definitely seen better days and will probably get made into dog beds or something :) Lucky mutts! Love for bargains! Bob will probably regret me knowing about it! lol!
Probably my best purchase in a while is this little beauty! A Scotch ATG 714 adhesive gun! I'd heard from Nancy how good they were, but WOW they are awesome! Plus can I just say, that this was GREAT when I was scrapping one handed after my burn started healing!!! It IS bulkier than I was expecting but well worth it! Got mine from It's heavier and bigger than I imagined but definitely a time saver!

What were this month's disappointments?
My clumsiness at burning my hand! Seriously, of all the things I could do? It meant a few weeks with no scrapping which was a serious bummer.
What were my accomplishments this month?
I actually have a few pubs out right now, need to share those. Still waiting on receiving my copies of a couple of those. This one is the April/May edition of Paper Trends.

Anything else noteworthy to record?
I think that about covers it!
more tomorrow
Ouch! That's pretty nasty!
Congrats on the Pub! I have a project in there too but I haven't even looked through it yet. I recently got the same gun and it's amazing!!! I can't believe how much time it saves. :)
Congrats on the pubs! (I'm in that issue of Paper Trends, too.) I'm glad you jumped on the ATG wagon. I got one for Christmas and won't go back. Love it! So glad your hand is better.
What an eventful month this is.
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