Get Well Soon

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

People I know ask me for cards all the time, whether for birthdays, anniversaries, valentine etc. But this was the first time I'd been asked for a Get Well card. Bobs boss Rachel and her husband Dan were on vacation recently when their Harley fell over onto Dan and ended up breaking his leg in five places, ouch! Bikes falling over is pretty common, Bob has had it happen to him when he was doing some maintenance. Anyway Dan has been pinned and plastered and is on the mend, so everyone at work decided to send him a little cheer up basket of goodies and a card. Bob volunteered me to make the card :) This was the first time he'd asked so I wanted to make something personal and special, which I know that's the purpose of handmade cards but you know what I mean!

Firstly there was the problem that this is for a guy, I always struggle with guy cards. This means soft colors are out, as are ribbons, lace, and anything remotely 'girly'. So I went to my old standby for guy stuff: SEI Kaboom. Seriously I know this is an old paper line now, but I STILL love it!

The card itself was about 9"x7', I did some layering with the papers then printed the text off on the computer. I think the puffy stickers and the papers were apt for the occasion don't you? Nothing says bike fell on me like "Vroooooom splat!" Once I'd done it it looked too 'square' so I added the starbursts after and thought that went well with the theme too!

The card was well received by Dan who sent out an email of thanks to the whole team, and thankfully he saw the funny side of the sentiment ;)


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