book review: 101 ways

Thursday, November 5, 2009

101 ways to use your first sewing machine by Elizabeth Dubicki

Firstly I want to say I LOVE the style of this book, it's hardcover but has spiral binding. So easy for reading and planning creative projects. IMO all creative "how to" style books should be like this! Really makes for ease of use whilst following directions!

Chapter one of this book provides some good information on beginning sewing with a fun beginner projects however the projects weren't really my personal style. The first project to start us off is a "sewing tool belt". I don't use a tool belt when I am actually using tools, why would I want to when I am sewing?

The second chapter on updating garments was more my style. Basics on mending clothes, shortening, lengthening, letting in/out etc. I didn't really like the 'embellishing' part of this chapter, but that's just not my style. For beginners though this is a great chapter to learn the basics of altering existing clothing to fit better.

Chapter 3 & 4 is basically bedroom and bathroom furnishings, again not my thing. I can make cushions already and the part on curtains was interesting, the rest not so much. Chapter 5 wasn't much better titled "fun stuff for kids and tweens" of which I have neither. There were Tote bag directions in this chapter (why in this chapter?) but you can get those patterns online. Chapters 6 and 7 again didn't apply with mostly home furnishings.

The end section of the book focused on general techniques, which was interesting but would have been better placed in the first chapter rather than at the end. In all a good book for a beginner if you like making things for your house/kids.


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