One of the things I commented on when I did my
year in review posts in December was that I miss the concept, I miss documenting these things so I've decided to bring back the
Round-Up posts. These started out on
Katie's blog back in 2006. I joined in, then for some reason seem to have stopped mid 2008. Anyhoo I like the idea of recapping the month, and it's a good way to jot down events, moments and for me to share some photo's and information about myself and my life :)
What books and/or magazines did I read this month?
Kickboxing manual and study guide by AFAA. Woooo interesting!!! Well it is for me I guess. I'm doing a course in February to be a certified instructor :) Other than that and more industry magazines I didn't read much this month. Must change that in February and get back to the library!
What movies and/or tv shows did I watch this month?
Ooooh too many to mention, we've been watching some British movies lately and of course the TV season has started again after the holiday break. I am heavily back into watching "the biggest loser". Loved the last season and so far am enjoying the current season (4th episode so far). We watched the first couple of series then kinda lost interest. I guess my focus being back on health & fitness has had a lot to do with my interest in the program again, I love seeing people changing their lives and getting into fitness.
What special days did I celebrate and how?
Well there was me getting a job!!! Hurrah! Oh and teaching my first classes in America! We went out and celebrated with Indian food and beer naturally, that's our staple celebratory dinner really :)
Our friend Chris's birthday was this month and we went out with him and his family to Red Robin. The weather was awful but the food and company were great.
What illnesses or health concerns did I have?
None! Tip top shape and no injuries! Yay! I had some muscle soreness from working out with new formats and equipment but that's to be expected.
What fun things did I do with my friends and/or family?
I tried TRX suspension training, and other classes at Moorpark Athletic Club. Had a 10 day membership to try out the club and now I work there :) I try and workout there a couple of times a week, and hope to continue to do so.
What new foods, recipes or restaurants did I try this month?
No new restaurants, recipes or foods. I did try guacamole again and have come to the conclusion that it's really not very nice at all, lol.
What special or unusual purchases did I make?
Yoga pants and sports tops for going to classes in as my old ones were falling to bits or too big. Lots of my clothes are too big. I really need to sort through the closet and get some sewing alterations done! Maybe a task for February?
What were this month’s disappointments?
Can't think of any really, all in all a great month!
What were my accomplishments this month?
Did I mention I got a job? Back in the fitness field and loving it! I am signed up for a kickboxing certification next month and will be teaching regularly again in February :) Good times! I also managed to get ahead in some of my design work assignments, yay! I got some work picked up for publication in Feb/March Ready Set Create too, and did some projects for the new Boxer Scrapbooks booth display.
Anything else noteworthy to record?
I got my website changed to fitness oriented resume site instead of crafting, and put the crafting resume on, this meant lots of web programming and more to do but it's up, live and updated.
Self portrait for the month
Coming soon
so glad you are back on the roundup wagon! :)
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