Celebrate today for tomorrow we diet!

Thursday, December 31, 2009

It's the end of 2009 and a new year starting! I love this time of year. It's a time when we all start afresh and make goals for the upcoming year! I really love the color combo of black, white and silver for new year cards, it's classic and timeless yet also bright and cheerful!

Also sharing today a card I made for the Boxer blog earlier this month. Love this design for those scraps, it's a design I use over and over, always good for those little strips of paper we have leftover from projects and takes no time at all to whip up. Great to make for Cards for Heroes.

Supplies: Cardstock: DCWV; Paper, stamp & tag: BOxer Scrapbooks; Around the block labeler.

Wishing you all a happy new year,
all the best for 2010!


Card Sketch December #5

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

One more day till the New Year celebrations begin! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the New Year. It's my favorite time because we all start a new, with a new year, a blank slate and full of goals and gusto for the year ahead! This sketch was inspired by a shooting star. Obviously the 2010 text is just a suggestion should you have any last minute New Year cards to make :) Remember to check by my digital store for freebies available for a limited time!

I decided to go digital/hybrid for my card this week. After searching through digital papers to work I instead opted for a solid with the text paper underneath. That seemed more visually pleasing to me. Printed the star text on white paper then adhered to chipboard star and cut it out. Nice and simple card :)

"Good Luck" card by Di Hickman
Supplies: Photoshop; Font: Broadway; Chipboard: Heidi Swapp

"Christmas" card by Linda Flinders

"Happy Birthday" card by Louise Connell
Supplies: Scallop card blank ~ Papermania; Papers ~ Rose Moka; Watermelon cut out ~ Kitschy digitals; Rub on ~ Letraset; Gems ~ Kars

"Celebrate" card by Chrys Rose
Supplies: Basic Grey paper; Kasier Craft rhinestones and rub on; Imagination Project coaster board


2009 highlights (part 2)

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Last week I shared highlights of 2009 from January to June, this week I'll focus on July - December (even though it's not completely over yet).

I rekindled my old hobby of knitting and made this Sackboy character from "Little Big Planet". I still plan to do a couple more, I have the wool, just not the time :(

July was pretty warm as always here, and we picked up a kiddies wading pool for free from neighbors and it was perfect for the dogs for cooling down.

August is Bobs birthday month so much celebrating and beer :)


Self portrait a month project continues. Sky gets in on this months action , albeit not 100%:) Really need to focus on more shots of us with the dogs. We have pics of us, and pics of the dogs but not many of us together. Something to think about for 2010!


Bobs birthday bash at Rachel's house :) love her parties and this one was to celebrate the Cars Team and Bobs birthday. Had a blast, drank a lot, and had a great time with friends :)

Vegan brunch at Matt Moore's. Miss these! Matt moved away in September so they are no more :( Miss his vegan pancakes with cashew butter, mmmmmmm. Maybe again, something to think about for 2010?

Not a photo but an image nevertheless. September was the month I got my certificates from AFAA and became a qualified personal trainer again! yay!

September is our anniversary month. The past couple of times we've been to Disneyland and this year kept the tradition. Celebrating our 11th wedding anniversary! Yikes, time flies! Shot taken on the tram on the way to the park!


In line for the Toy Story ride Bob saw this poster and couldn't resist snapping a photo. Hahaha flying tossers, I guess that's more for the Brit peeps, but we found it funny. Then we have a weird sense of humor so...


September I went into work with Bob and we ate at the ABC studio lot, walked around the studios and the main Disney area. Some great detail in the buildings if you get chance to go. My favorite was the 7 dwarves on the main Disney building. But there are some good statures dotted about too.


September we went to El Mirage for the first time. It's a dry lake bed, dirtbiking area.  Our friends had their RV up there for a few days so we stopped by for a ride with them :)

Staying in an RV whilst riding was so much fun! We definiely saw all the advantages of having some shelter, a nice bathroom facility, no long ride back home, and BEER!

We enjoyed the RV El Mirage experience so much that when we got home we finally made the decision to get our own RV. After months of deciding what we wanted, whether we wanted one, and what to get we just went out and got one!

Shortly after that our 'local' dirtbiking area opened up again after 2 years of being closed. Finally! We'd waited for this for so long! We love Rhower as it's so easy to just go for the morning, be back for lunch then for Bob to work the afternoon/evening if need be.


Of course though now we have the RV we'll hopefully be doing dirtbiking trips a little further afield :) Our first dirtbike vacation was back to El Mirage for Thanksgiving with friends. The weather was chilly in the evening/morning but beautiful once the sun rose! Great views at breakfast. We learned a lot during this trip


December I continued with my thrift store finds updates. Loving thrift store shopping. Great way to keep updating your wardrobe for not much money! Sounds good huh? Thrifted jeans and t-shirt here!


December as always is my birthday month and so it was  back on the bikes to Rowher flats for a dirty dirtbike day, that is a dirty cos of the mud! I recently posted these pics but here they are again. I can't tell you how much fun this day was!!!



So onto 2010! I plan to take more pics this year! Maybe doing a photo a day for a month and gearing up for a photo a day for a year starting in December 2011. Having the iPhone makes everything much easier for sure! The problem is remembering to whip it out and take a snapshot! lol!

Here's to documenting 2010 with photo's!!!


Manufacturer Monday - Scrapworks

Monday, December 28, 2009

Last week of the Manufacturer Monday spotlight on Scrapworks. I truly have used up every itsy bitsy last scrap of this paper. When I cleared my table off I literally had about 3 peices of patterned paper left which were too small for any card. I do have a few glitter chipboard peices left and some stickers but I simply stored them in my holiday themed drawer for future use with other papers :) So onto the final 7 cards I made with these papers:

Supplies: Rub-on by ohom; Cardstock by DCWV; all other supplies by Scrapworks 

 Supplies: Around the block label maker; Cardstock by DCWV; all other supplies by Scrapworks

Supplies: Around the block label maker; Cardstock by DCWV; all other supplies by Scrapworks 

Supplies: Around the block label maker; Cardstock by DCWV; all other supplies by Scrapworks

Supplies: Around the block label maker; Cardstock by DCWV; all other supplies by Scrapworks

Supplies: Cardstock by DCWV; all other supplies by Scrapworks 

Supplies: Rub-on: ohom; Cardstock by DCWV; all other supplies by Scrapworks

Whew, I think that's a bunch of cards I now have prepared and ready for 2010! Feels good to be ahead for a change, lol! I'll be keeping most of these for sending to family/friends and making some others later in 2010 to send to cards for heroes. Most of these cards with the Scrapworks Season of Joy line aren't suitable for Cards for Heroes as they have glitter on them, and glitter is a no-no for the troops. I have other Seasonal lines without glitter I can dig out for them :)

More projects soon!


New digital scrapbooking products & freebie

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Finally finished my Holiday Mini Kit! Yeah! Introducing my newest mini kit called: BAUBLICIOUS! Just a small kit to celebrate the holiday season! This kit is themed for the winter holidays with 4 gift wrapping inspired papers, 7 solids (not shown on preview), 5 assorted frames, holiday wordart, 3 ribbons, 1 bow, 3 buttons, and some bauble accents. Everything you need to Scrapbook those holiday pages and more! On introductory sale at just $1.95 (regular price $2.50) available at: Di Hickman Designs, My 3 Scrapateers Store, My Scrapwow Store

Also available this week is a little mini kit and Quickpage add-on for my Baublicious kit. above. This features a quick page plus the elements needed to recreate the page exactly. Included in this kit is the quickpage PNG, 1 solid paper, 1 patterned paper, a small green scallop strip, small blue rectangular paper, frame cluster, blue ribbon, and blue journal panel. This item is available FREE in my stores for a limited time only. Regular Price $1.25 available at: Di Hickman Designs, My 3 Scrapateers Store, My Scrapwow Store

Check out my digital scrapbooking stores for more digital products, inlcuding templates, kits and more! Don't forget to stop by and see the weekly specials, sales and to check for any freebies!


Happy Holidays!!!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Hi all! Ok so I prepared and scheduled this post ahead of time as I wasn't 100% sure if we'd be home (as I write this Bob is feeling a little sick, eek) or away camping in the RV for the holidays and I couldn't let today go by without wishing everyone a happy holidays!

Have a wonderful time everyone!


Di, Bob, Sky & River

2009 highlights (part 1)

Thursday, December 24, 2009

I've decided to do a little year in review for 2009 lest I think I didn't do much this year :) I saw this on Elsie's blog and thought it was a good idea to highlight happening, events, and everyday moments from this year. Looking back one thing I definitely noticed is that this year we LIVED the moments rather than documented them. Really seeing that we took very few photo's this year and definitely going to be remedying that in 2010. So let's start with January - June 2009

January and February are always tough times for me. These are the months that I am full of gutso and have all these plans for the year ahead. For 2009 I wanted to get back my fitness and so that was my major goal for the first few months. I also vowed this year to get in the garden more, and I think I achieved that goal, the dogs of course love the garden and being out there with me. Inspecting critters, holes and generally being good guard dogs :)

In March I focused on fruits and vegetables in our garden and  was harvesting up a storm in the early months of the year! Here we see carrot, orange, chard and peas.

Another facet of gardening was us setting up a compost heap. Never did quite use this as much as I thought I would. Ended up being way too hot here  in the Summer to keep it damp enough to decompose.


Anyone who knows us knows we LOVE Indian food. We have some favorite restaurants and dishes but it's all good. Indian is pretty much always our first choice. This is a dish from one of our favorite places Royal Delhi Palace.


May saw more gardening as I added to my vegetable beds with some trellis for the upcoming Tomato season. I think looking back at the past years progress in the garden has shown that the latter part of the year (since I got flu) it's been pretty neglected :(


In May I managed to do some hard landscaping. That's slabs and gravel to us regular folk :) Just a little piece of work near the mailbox so that I can go out barefooted to get the mail again :)


May also saw the arrival of some wiggly little friends! I made a worm bin. Yep we are vermicomposters! This is just a plastic tote (freecycle) with holes drilled in it, newspaper, leaves, some soil/grit, food scraps and my worms :) Have to say that this has been an enjoyable project and I am almost ready to turn the bin out and see the results!


June I continued with my self portrait every month project. Loving the progression of this and hope to continue with it monthly throughout 2010. Seeing my hair like this makes me like my long hair, when it's whipping me in the face whilst exercising, not so much liking it then!


I don't think I shared this pic but this is after 6 months of working out and losing 25lbs. The start of my abs and when I got serious about getting my 6 pack. Really need to do some updated shots of this as I DO have ripped abs/obliques, you just gotta get them at the right angle to see the definition :) Promise to update in the new year with new workout progress pics.


 June was also the month we bought a BBQ for the back garden cook outs! Though we'd been to BBQs we'd never actually used one ourselves. Well check that off the list cos we have our own now. I get the feeling this will come in really handy througout 2010 when we are out and about in the RV!


Part 2 coming soon July - December

Why not do a photo recap of 2009 on your blog? Good to catch up and make some goals for the year ahead!
