Holiday Gift Ideas - tech edition top 5

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

So I don't claim to be a full nerd or geek but I have some geeky tendencies for sure! I love my computer and laptop, I can program in HTML and I'm a photoshop nerd too. All these things don't make me a tech expert but I can tell ya that over the last few years I've gotten some cool tech gadgets that I love and thought I'd share my top 5 =)

1 - iPhone.
When Bob got his iPhone 3g I honestly thought "sheesh I wouldn't use all those functions, don't think I'll bother". Then Bob upgraded his phone to the iPhone 3s I got his handmedown. We called for the 2nd line on our account and I was up and running and frankly never looked back! Now they will pry my iPhone from my cold dead hands!

I know people say all the time, "too expensive, too many features, too complicated" but this phone is my life now! Calendar, contacts, internet, iPod, camera, social media, games and so much more! Since I got my iPhone my old iPod broke and I didn't care. I use the iPhone exclusively now for music whilst running, and even for fitness classes! Yes I am in love with my iPhone! Definitely recommend one!!!

2 - iHome
Yep it's a clock radio but it's also a speaker unit for your iPhone/iPod. I don't like waking up to buzzer alarms or the radio (generally USA radio sucks) so we have our iHome set up to wake us up to the iPod playlist we've chosen =) Easy to just slip the iPhone on the iHome each night and take it off every morning fully charged. Love it! We have this exact model and LOVE it, definitely recommend it!

On the same lines as the iHome , but without the alarm/radio feature. Bob bought this iLive for my birthday last year and it works with my iPod and iPhone. Basically it's a set of speakers for your iPhone. This one lives in our kitchen so I can have music on whilst cooking or cleaning in the kitchen. All those chores go faster when you have some tunes to rock out to! I love my iLive! Another use I have for this is outside on the patio. Plug it in on the patio table and we have tunes outside to swim to :)

This is one that is on my own wishlist. When the iPad first came out I didn't really see the point. We both had iPhones and laptops, what could we possibly want an iPad for? Then Bob had the opportunity to use one for work and we got to play with it for a couple of weeks. Wow! Now we want one! Honestly I don't think I'd use it much for surfing the web but for games and reading pdfs it's great!

I love playing Sudoku and wordsearch type games and I LOVE reading so I don't know if I'd need something more than the 16GB version? We aren't in the market for one yet, but should we have the available $$ spare then sure we'd snag one! Though I am sure Bob would want the more expensive 64GB version!

If you don't have one already then get one! Whether it's TomTom or some other GPS device if you drive a lot you need a GPS. I've only really just started driving alone in the US this year going to fitness training seminars etc and the TomTom has been invaluable! I have a tendency to get lost or be in the wrong lane for the freeways (and exits) so GPS really helps to give me peace of mind that I am on the correct road and heading towards my destination. We have TomTom and have John Cleese's voice which always lightens the mood!
So there you have it, my 5 top picks for the techie in your life! Sure some are expensive, but some aren't. But really who needs more socks/ties/toiletries? Remember too that gift cards work well also! Whether it's to a tech store like Best Buy or our favorite


More gift idea's coming soon including craft edition, health & fitness edition, and more! Stay tuned!

Crafty Inspiration

Monday, November 29, 2010

Another round up of crafty inspiration from the web!

Avital at Creativity Prompt shared this printable holiday card recently. So simple yet so easy to make! Print, add embellishment, done! When you're making multiple cards that is a godsend! Visit her blog for the download!

Had to share this Cuddly Bantha from website! How CUTE is this? LOVE LOVE LOVE! Everyone knows I love cute animals. It's true that every film with an animal, I always want the animal. Doesn't matter what it is. Weirder the better so I love this! Full how-to on the site!

I love recycled and upcycled projects so this project from Mark Montano instantly appealed to me! Mark has a little how-to for this paint chip wallet on his blog, so check it out!

Gina at Bolt Neighborhood shares a tutorial on her blog for making gift bags! I figure this is a great time of year to share this too, so good job Gina! So much paper gets wasted over the holidays, so why not make some fun gift bags from fabric instead? Totally reusable, rather than getting tossed in the trash! Check out the Bolt blog for details

MarieC off craftster shared this t-shirt refashion she did from a heavily used t-shirt. Those white tees tend to get discolored under the arms after a while and this is a great trick to prolong life in those clothes! Or alternatively to extend the life in too small tees! Simply insert a contrast panel in the sides! More details on craftster. This isn't a new technique but I just loved the fabric she used for her tees so thought I'd share :)



Reminiscing health & fitness

Friday, November 26, 2010

I've been busy the last few weeks with my fitness website and blog playing with the template, making plans for posts and running with ideas. One thing I decided is that I'd dig out my old photo's and memorabilia from my fitness career in the UK. 

Before we left England to set up home here in California I had a pretty successful career as a fitness instructor and personal trainer in the UK. I passed my first fitness certification in Summer 1996, and quickly started teaching classes at Breadsall Priory and Lingfield Health Club (now LA fitness). With just 2 months teaching experience I got asked to lead a session for Lingfield during a demonstration event at the local shopping center.

Super fun to see my name on the advertising materials! Especially considering this was in the local newspaper the Derby Telegraph. Sure got thrust into the spotlight in a short amount of time! Pauline kicked us off with some step. I love step so this was no problem for me :)

In case you can't tell I am the one in long leggings in this shot! One size fits all t-shirts suck!

After a few minutes break we were back at it, and I led an aerobics session. Remember this was me at the front, of the class, leading a fitness session in the middle of a shopping mall! I think at this point I'd been actively teaching for just 6 weeks!

I also have photo's of Slide workouts with Rachael. I don't even remember Rachael and look at me (back center)! This was the first time I ever did slide aside from a quick 5 minutes at the club the day before. Crazy time! I  enjoyed slide though and used it in circuit training later. Anyone else remember slide?

After slide we did another few workouts then hit the rebounder! I had one of these at home and loved it. Just brought back childhood memories of trampolines. Nicky led this session and it was the first real rebounder class I'd done. Anyone else remember rebounder/bounce classes?

So fun to have these photo's to look back on! This event is on my list of things to scrapbook so I hope to share that layout soon!


Home is where the heart is...

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving All! To the rest of the world, happy Thursday ;) It's Thanksgiving here in the USA so pretty hard not to get sucked into making traditions for this time of year. Plus it's the inevitable lead up to my December with features my birthday and Christmas, Bob however is keeping his eyes firmly on the prize with Black Friday and Cyber Monday bargains ;) What can I say my man LOVES a bargain, he has his eyes set on a few gadgets so hopefully the geeky gods shine down and put them on sale for him, lol.

Meanwhile hope you are all enjoying your Thanksgiving Thursday, and with that I will leave you with a card I made recently featured in the Fall Sampler of Ready Set Create

Enjoy your day!


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I'm one of those people that doesn't really dwell on the past, more into looking to the future and moving ahead but Thanksgiving is almost here and I can't help but reminisce on the year gone by and look towards another year ahead. It's amazing to think how the last year has panned out. My career change, my body change, basically a life change! A lot has changed in the last year and I am so thankful for friends new and old, and family.

Today I thought I'd share a card I made recently with some OLD product. DCWV and Karen Foster on this card. Trying to use up all the odd bits of paper I have for the seasonal stuff before I allow myself to buy any new ;) This card was also featured in the Fall Sampler of Ready Set Create

Maybe it's a sign I'm getting older, but Bob and I both find ourselves saying "remember that time when..." or maybe that's just a sign we've been together so long! Not that I'd trade him for the world!!! It's fun to have those stories and memories to reminisce about =)


Check out Amazons Black Friday deals, all week through November 27th!

Card Sentiment Freebie

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

I got a few requests for the sentiment strip, from people not knowing how to create white text on black background. I said in the post that I'd zip up the full size jpg and put it up for download so here is the link for the following download jpg

Simply download unzip and then print the jpg. Those of you with photo editing software can change the color etc. Not sure how long SendSpace allows the files to be active for, I think it's a week or two, so go snag it. Maybe next time I'll add the PSD file, or a PDF? Let me know which would be more beneficial!



Check out Amazons Black Friday deals, all week through November 27th!

Crafty Inspiration

Monday, November 22, 2010

Another weekly round-up of crafty inspiration from around the web!

How cute is this holiday card? Avital at Creativity Prompt shares a how-to video tutorial on her blog on how she made this card and how you can re-create it! Awesome stuff check it out!

LOVING this printable "giving thanks" journal by Arvital at Creativity Prompt blog. You can download and print your own journal using the printables from her blog! Check it out here

Pip from Meet Me At Mikes has a great tutorial on her blog for making crochet baubles! Slips these onto regular baubles to get a little crafty on your Christmas tree! Full tutorial on her blog!

This teen printable is from Missie Krissie and she shares this printable on her blog. Just a fun message notelet from teens to parents for missed calls. I love it :)

Love this holiday wreath idea from Kristi at Life Through the Lens. I LOVE the colors! So soft, non-traditional and yet festive. Kristi shares a full tutorial to make this wreath on her blog, check it out :)

Enjoy! More inspiration from around the Web every Monday


Check out Amazons Black Friday deals, all week through November 27th!

Ready Set Create Fall & Altered Sampler

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Ready Set Create has a new sampler issue out for Fall featuring cards and altered projects. I got my copy this weekend and was happy to see one of my cards on the cover! Whoohoo! I finally made a cover after all these years =) thanks Jen!

You can get your issue of RSC at the RSC blog, for just $1, check it out for great fall inspiration!


Saturday Sketch - November

Saturday, November 20, 2010

So I know it's been a while, but I figured mid month is a good time to post a card sketch right? Heck anytime is a good time to post a card sketch! Anyway here is a nice simple sketch for you craft cardmakers out there! Perfect for beginners too!

The sentiment panel features a layered text effect but feel free to switch that up. I left embellishments out on the sketch as I think sometimes they distract from the design or keep our creativity from taking over. For my card I decided on some leaf paper, and a text paper, being Fall season and all!

Supplies: All supplies by DCWV. Featured in the Fall Sampler of Ready Set Create

As always hook me up in the comments if you make a card with the sketch so I can come check them out!


Fashion Friday: Styles we covet

Friday, November 19, 2010

I mentioned yesterday about my recent thrift store excursion and that I scored at Goodwill for the first time in a long time. I have a longer post coming about the clothing but today I wanted to mention one item I bought that struck a chord with me. This bag...

I have something of a bag issue when it comes to fashion. I just love bags. I like having bags for all occasions and when you buy them at thrift stores you can afford to have LOTS ;) But the reason I wanted this bag goes beyond just liking it. This bag epitomizes all things "girly" for me. something regular readers know I am struggling to bring into my life. I love the shape, the style, the off-the-shoulder look and mostly I think it's this:

I just know that Bob is going to be reading this and thinking "who are you, and what have you done with my wife?"! You see I abhor bling! I don't like sparkly, but this, I admit, I kinda like! Does this mean the 'girl' gene in me is getting switched on? lol! 

For me this bag represents a group of women we all look at and hate for being 'perfect'. You KNOW the ones I mean right? All huddled together, shopping in the mall, perfect hourglass figures, pert boobs and butts, legs to die for, awesome hair/teeth/make-up, confidence in bucketloads and always toting a bag like this. The ones who look like they roll out of bed looking better than I'd ever appear even if professionals gave me a makeover! Those women. Mrs/Ms perfect.

I'm never gonna have the perfect ass, boobs, make-up, teeth, wardrobe, or the confidence that those chicks have, but godamnit I have their bag!


Oh and for those wondering, here is the price I paid for the bag, and in fact all bags I've bought at Goodwill as they are all one set price ;)

Suck on that Mrs Perfect!