2005 in Review

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

1. Did you have a new years resolution this year? Yes to get help for my pms. Which is ongoing.
2. Who kissed you at midnight? My DH
3. Did it snow where you live? No we live in So Cal. no snow here :(
4. Have you ever been to Times Square to watch the ball drop? Nope

1. Who was your valentine? My DH :)
2. What did your valentine get you? A copy of "world of warcraft" and a 6 month subscription
3. When you were little, did you buy valentines for your whole class? No, they don't do that in England, honestly I find the whole thing a little bizarre!

1. Are you Irish? Nope
2. Did you wear green on St.Pattys day? Can't remember, probably, I vaguely remember wearing my scooby do shirt (my only green thing in my wardrobe)
3. What did you do for St.Pattys day? Nothing, don't really "celebrate" it

1. Do you like the rain? Yes, very relaxing. Love the smell.
2. Did you get to play an Aprils fools joke on anyone? Not this year.
3. Did you get tons of candy on easter? No I don't celebrate easter.

1. Whats your favorite kind of flower? Daisies
2. Do you like the spring? Yes, beautiful time of year.
3. finish the phrase: "april showers bring.." May flowers.
4. What would you think of as a spring color? yellows and greens

1. What year did you graduate from school? I think it was 1986
2. Did you go on any vacations last June? No

1. What did you do on the 4th of July? Just stayed home I think.
2. Did you go on any vacations this month? Not in July no

1. Did you do anything special to end off your summer I don't think we did.
2. What was your favorite summer memory of '05? Hmmm, not summer but it would be the live Karaoke at Bobs work, singing karaoke with a live band :) we just got the dvd recently and watched ourselves. Plus Bob losing 100+ lbs of weight! He looks awesome!
3. Did you go swimming a lot in the summer? Lol no. We have a pool but no poolguy so I have to maintain it myself, therefore most of the time its unusable.
4. Did you go to the beach a lot? I don't think we went once in August. We only live 20 miles from the beach but don't go as much as we should

1. Did you attend school/college in '05? No
2. Who is/was your favorite teacher? Mrs Merry, and Ms Vaughan
3. Did you like fall better than summer? No we had wildfires here in Sept, not a good time of year

1. What was your favorite halloween costume ever? Never worn one, but saw many good kid ones since being in the US, the difference here is amazing! Halloween is HUGE here!
2. Whats your favorite candy? None I don't like american candy, we gave out candy and glo-sticks this year.
3. What did you dress up like this year? We didn't we just give out the candy to kids

1. Whose house did you go to for Thanksgiving? Stayed home
2. Do you like stuffing? Yes whats not to like, sage and onion is our favorite.
3. What are you thankful for? My loving and healthy DH, my family, my health, our house, DHs job, friends, scrapbooking, getting published this year,

1. Do you celebrate Christmas? I guess, though we aren't christian. Usually we have gift giving, and dinner and its all done for us, its more of a tradition that anything
2. Have you ever been kissed under the mistletoe? Not that I can remember
3. What do you do this year for Christmas? We had Bobs parents over from England so big gift exchange, big dinner, sleepy afternoon, and buffet in the evening.
4. Whats the best present you ever got for christmas? I have been asked this recently and had answered a few things but then I realised that last year DH was ill with Atrial Fibrulation, just before xmas his heart went back to normal rhythm on its own (rather than being shocked), hurrah!
5. Do you like cold weather? Yes, love the change of seasons, though we don't get snow here its nice to see the leaves change and hillsides green up.
6. How would you rate your year on a scale of 1-10? Its been a tough, quiet year, I'd say a 7.5, we had guests, we had a few days of excitement and I got a new camera, and got published. I hope 2006 has lots to offer!

Scrapping in a corner!

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Since my room will be the guest room for 2 weeks, my scrap stuff is relegated to the kitchen corner. I have my table set up, my drawers under it, and the table top is full of scrap stuff. I just hope I get 'some' time to scrapbook. Now the only thing is my wall cabinets full of embellishments are still in my room and I'm bound to need something in there! Its getting to be a real uphheaval to turn my room into the guest room. Where did all this stuff come from?!
Bobs mum is a card maker (recently addicted) so we'll be hitting the craft stores! yay!

Closer Closer!

Friday, December 23, 2005

Its nearly here! In 24 hours we'll be at the airport getting Bobs parents! Yikes! At least they now have a bed to sleep on! The guest room is ready and waiting, just got to clean the rest of the house! lol! I bathed the dogs today, and filed their nails, just teeth cleaning to do and they are pampered and preened ready for granny and gramps to visit!
We are nearly set for Christmas! Bob is going out later to fill the van will gas (for aiport run) and will pick up more beer tonight. Must have beer! We have enough food in the house to feed an army, and today we bought more still. Had Bob had his way we'd be cooking all day Sunday!
Today we did a charitable thing and dropped off 2 boxes of kitchenware and 4 bin liners of clothes! Yes 4! Bob had all his old clothes from when he was larger still in his closet. If the last week has taught me anything its that my hubby throws nothing away! He is changing though.
Signed up for the birthday group on 2peas, I LOVE making cards. Hopefully I'll get chance to update over xmas! Have a great time everyone!

Not ready!

Thursday, December 22, 2005

I'm not! I'm not ready! Saturday my in-laws arrive. Lots to do and I just can't get motivated. Its 11.40 and here I sit blogging! It was gone midnight last night before we went to bed. I moved some scrap stuff into the far corner in the kitchen. I at LEAST want to get me a new journal made for January. I knocked out one for Trish last night and now I am so eager to get mine done.

Yule passed by rather uneventfully, which was a shame as I really wanted to make something out of the celebration this year. I gave Bob his gift, a newcastle brown glass. Nothing much but he loves it :)

In other news I joined scrapologie monthly kit club. Can't wait to get the Jan kit! Looks awesome!

Not a one hit wonder!

Monday, December 19, 2005

So I made a tag for Trish (aka *hip*santa) saying thank you for all the wonderful fun we'd all had in the pub over the last few weeks! On a total whim I submitted it to a couple of calls... and CorrespondenceART picked it up, literally 10 mins after I emailed it! Its my second time being published! So darn happy I am not a one hit wonder!! Yay me!

Errand day!

Sunday, December 18, 2005

So today was run-around day! We did some chores in the morning, followed by running around delivering cards/gifts in the afternoon. Still have a couple of cards left to give out, and a gift to find/make but all in all were looking good now for Christmas. Actually wrapped some presents today too! One thing I do like about this season is present wrapping! Love the bows, and the frills.

On the kit club front I have narrowed it down to about 10, looking to see whats happening for the Jan kits before I commit. I really like scrapologie but then I find out that after Jan they won't be offering a choice of kits anymore. I really want a choice cos I don't like a lot of froofroo or kiddy stuff BUT at the same time I should be thinking "outside the box"! But I really like a few of the other ones too. Decisions Decisions!

Looking into Monthly Kit Clubs

Saturday, December 17, 2005

A while ago I looked into getting a monthly kit club, but then decided against it. After being dissapointed yesterday at the range at Treasured Memories I am looking again. List of criteria

1 - 12x12 paper
2 - New stuff
3 - resonably priced
4 - No kiddy papers (I don't have kids)

Any suggestions?

Friday, December 16, 2005

So its my birthday, I am 34 today! After trying unsuccessfully to get good tree shots I am settling with yesterdays (for now). So Bob bought me a nintendo ds! With nintendogs! I have only played it for 20 mins but so far "spot" my beagle knows "sit". Fun to play. I also got a t-shirt with "chixor" on it! lol! Thats me! I also got money which lead to this:
My shopping haul from this morning. Lots of paper, some stickers, prima flowers, heidi swap (when did they start stocking HS in Joanns?), baubles, ribbon, MM rub-ons (cos ya can never have too many). And photo turns. What is it with me and photo turns? I have them in just about EVERY color but have yet to use a SINGLE ONE! lol! Anyway my stash kinda pulled me through this mornings bad news. :( Zoe isn't coming over to visit us with Bobs parents on the 24th. I am seriously bummed out right now :( I wasn't going to go to Joanns/Beverleys but just had to (plus I had coupons running out), so the Prima's are an impulse buy, along with the rub-ons. I'll use em eventually but dang I'd rather have my "dangerous sister" with me for 2 weeks!

So Bob also said that as soon as they are in stock I can have one of the wishblade type cutter things :) I'll probably go for the craftrobo one as it seems you can print with it at the same time as cut! But then I hear its harder to use... decisions!


Thursday, December 15, 2005

So there was a challenge at some point to list the Holiday traditions. Well we don't really have any. Each year it seems changes, maybe that's our tradition? I do know that usually I don't put the tree etc up until the 17th. My birthday is the 16th and I like to have birthday things up, my cards and gifts etc all out for view. Then the 17th starts the holiday season for me. But I started early this year, the tree is up (partially decorated, and the wreath is on the door, and the lights are up outside the house). Because this year we'll have Bobs parents visiting (they arrive on the 24th) and his sister too. So we'll have a big celebration. We have had family for the last few years, starting with Bobs sister, then my parents, and now Bobs parents. Its their first time in America so look out America! lol!
So traditions aside from the decorating: no-one opens presents until Christmas morning. We will have a small gift exchange on yule (21st) but the main gift giving has been on the 25th (due to family being here then); I have the rule that everyone has to have breakfast first, this is from my mother though and my love of breakfast, it wakes me up; Usually I hand out the presents and then we open them. I cook lunch (with Bobs assistance) and we eat a big lunch around 1pm. We're veggie so we'll have a tofurkey (or similar) some veggie ham, mash potatoes, veggies, yorkshire pudding, stuffing, saus wrapped in bacon, and anything else Bob thinks of! Topped with gravy, and with mint or apple sauce. Yum; the dishwasher gets put on, and we watch tv (usually the old movies). Having read some blog entries about traditions I think we're ready to start our own.
Well I'm off to finish trimming the tree, tidying up and thinking what to do for dinner later. Where did this morning go? I will leave you will a small sample of our tree, as yet I haven't got a decent photo of the whole thing. Keep trying Di!

Bonanza Mail Day - Again!

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Happy wednesday! Another great mail day! Got my RAK off *hip*santa on 2peas and its awesome! Autumn leaves and some beautiful pink papers that will be ideal for all about me pages, and a Heidi Swap mask! Thanks *hip*santa!
In other news I had the headache from hell this afternoon, laid down for a nap in the afternoon with Sky, and that helped. It finally went when I had a proper nap on the bed later. Urgh hate headaches.

Mega Mail day!

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

So today was a GREAT mail day! Turning into a good week really!

  1. So last Wednesday Bob and I were watching "America's next top model" on tv and they were down to the last 3. Elimations were up and it was Nicole and Bre. I really didn't want Nicole to go, and Bob thought that Nicole would be going so we made a bet ;) $50 for Nicole to go, he said. Lol! I won! Soon after I ordered 3 books I'd been after on amazon. Got them today! Ali Edwards - Eye on Design, Donna Downeys - decorative journals, Cathy Zeilske - clean and simple scrapbooking. Wow I LOVED Donna's book! So manny cool ideas! Packed full of cute and great stuff! Ali's book I'm reading through now, and I haven't touched Cathys yet! And my head is just BRIMMING with ideas!
  2. Also today I got my altoid tin from Linda to do the free class at big picture scrapbooking! Hurrah!
  3. Yesterday I got my RAK from Heather (BooBugBear), thanks heather! Some cool MM stuff, and some sweet Junkitz! AND C-O-O-K-I-E-S !!! What a birthday week! Yippee!
  4. I took a break from reading my books to continue work on a layout for the call at Reality Scrapbooking. I love the page I ended up making. Can't post it cos it has to be a previously unseen page. Most the stuff I've been doing lately is all secret hush hush stuff. I have one layout I can post soon that I also love. And I have to give that one away!
  5. We are moving along nicely with the bathroom renovations. I scraped and sanded off the old adhesive around the bath, and tonight Bob replaced the mixer fixture adapter valve thingy. We had to turn the water off at the street as our stop valve is leaky! Another thing on our to-do list.
So I am sitting in my office earlier just thinking "Crap I have 10 days to sort this room out and its a MESS! I so wanna keep scrapping

5000 posts and agility!

Monday, December 12, 2005

So Mondays usually fly by for me... As usual I drop Bob off at Chris' for carpooling, then head to grocery shopping at Trader Joes. Today I needed to go to Vons too, and pop into Joanns. Anyway by the time I get back its the morning gone. Lunch, then I take River to the park, then Sky to agility class. Only Sky does agility because well basically River is a lazy dog, and it took me a year to get her onto a table, and into a tunnel! I figure another year she'll be doing jumps, and another 2 years for the teeter and weaves. Anyway todays class was awesome! Sky did really well! A little zoomy rocket! Definately lived up to her name "Sky Rocket in Flight".
Also today I hit 5000 posts on 2peas! This means I get to choose a pea title! Yippee! Now what shall I pick?

A-Z of me

Sunday, December 11, 2005

So I've seen this on a lot of blogs lately so just joined in on the challenge. Hopefully this week I'll get chance to work on the blog and get a banner up, some links, and maybe a photo or two.

A-Age: 33 (34 on Friday)
B-Bed size: California King
C-Chore you hate: All chores but mostly laundry
D-Dessert you love: Chocolate raspberry cake from Follow your heart :)
E-Essential start your day item: Water, walking the dogs, and my big bowl of cereal with a nice hot cup of tea!
F-Favorite actor(s): Tough one! I don't have a favorite really!
G-Gold or Silver: Silver, but I do have a gold wedding band. Don't wear jewellery other than my wedding band.
H-Height: 5'4
I-Instruments you play: None, but I'd really love to play one, I was talking to Bob about this last night!
J-Job title: Housewife and scrapbook supply collector!
K-Kids: None - 2 dalmatians
L-Living arrangements: Me, Bob and the 2 dogs
M-Mom's name: Linda
N-Not liking right now: the amount of chores I have to do before the in-laws arrive on the 24th
O-Overnight hospital stay other than birth: Yes, I was in overnight when I was younger. Had to have an operation on my leg to remove a blood clot. I think thats the only time I've been in overnight.
P-Phobia: Used to be spiders but I'm over it. Don't think I have any actual phobia's anymore
Q-Quote you like: "I'm not normal!" - B Hickman (my hubby)
R-Right or left handed: right
S-Siblings: None :(
T-Time you woke up today: 6:30am
U-Unique habit: LOL anyone who knows me knows that I get things muddled up! I am clumsy. And I can't sleep with the bathroom or closet door open. I have so many unique habits its hard to choose!
V-Vegetable you hate: Brussels, don't HATE them but I can only eat a couple. I actually like all veggies
W-Worst habit: Me? bad habits? never!
X-X-rays you've had: teeth, leg, shoulder..
Y-Yummy food you can make: Did I mention I can't cook?
Z- Zodiac Sign: Sagitarius

Exciting this happening this coming week: Agility class, Holiday shopping, Yule preparations, Bob breaking up from work for 3 weeks (yay), my birthday, and SCRAPBOOK SHOPPING!

On my mind?

Saturday, December 10, 2005

What's on my mind?
  • Ok how about the fact I shall be 34 on Friday :) I plan a BIG blowout at Treasured Memories (my LSS - well not that local, there is one nearer but its crap). They have 20% off for birthday girls so I have my coupon ready :) Saturday will be the food celebration at follow your heart, with chocolate raspberry cake (yummy!), and scrapbook safari shopping trip too! I don't NEED anything but hey they have different stuff to TM.
  • How about the fact that I get my new books from amazon.com on Monday :) Ali E, Cathy Z, and Donna D (journal book) are shipping and headed to me as I type!
  • How about the fact that in 14 days we'll be picking up Bobs parents, and sister from the airport! Haven't seen his parents for 5 years! Since we moved to the US. 14 days and they STILL haven't sorted out any travel insurance! Now I know where Bob gets his procrastination habits from! I am so looking forward to them coming, not for my sakes (guests are a lot of work!) but for Bobs sake! I think he is really looking forward to them coming and showing them how different our lives are now. He is the baby afterall :)
  • How about the fact that men are impossibly difficult to buy presents for? I seriously have no clue what Bob really wants/needs giftwise. I have Yule gifts sorted I think (we celebrate Yule, and Christmas) but I really want something 'nice' for him to open christmas morning as everyone (his parents/sister) will have lots of gifts to open. I have one thing I know he kinda wants and he may end up with that for the sake of having it. I say that he's hard to buy for BUT the poor guy has to get me birthday/yule/christmas all in the same month! But hey anything craft related (both kinds) and I'm happy.
  • How about the fact that I have five people to cook for Christmas day, and I am a hopeless cook? I'm not the worst by any means, but you can usually tell I'm cooking from the swearing. Seriously I swear terribly when I'm cooking. A hopelessly clumsy person is not the best person around open flame (gas cooker), running water, or glasses. We are on our third set of glasses since moving her 5 years ago! And our second set of crockery. I have more burns than I can count (yet I have about 5 oven mitts!) and I have probably dropped food on the floor more times than I care to remember (we have dogs though, automatic vacuum cleaners!).
So all that, topped off with the fact that I am not ready in the slightest for guests yet. Lots of cleaning and tidying to do, and I have to pack up my scrapbook supplies (cry) and get the guest bed out. In all this bedlam I am also trying to scrapbook, do my photography, agility with the dogs, and follow my spiritual path. Did I mention I can't juggle?

Times Two!

Friday, December 9, 2005

2 Names you go by:# 1.Di (Diane) #2. Billy
2 parts of your heritage: #1. English #2. English :)
2 Things that scare you:#1.Bob dying #2.Losing my best friend (see #1)
2 of your everyday essentials:# 1. Hair ties #2.Orange Juice
2 Things that you are wearing right now:# 1. Yoga pants # 2. T-shirt
2 of your favorite bands or musical artists (at the moment) #1. Queen (best of, is in the van right now #2. Ultravox (also in the van) We LOVE the 80's stuff.
2 Favorite Songs at the Moment:# 1. My best friend - Queen(singing it to my hubby in the van rocks! he's my sunshine!) # 2. Anything, I am terrible at picking up on tunes and then humming/singing them ALL DAY!
2 Things you want in a relationship (other than true love) # 1. Sense of humor # 2. Trust
2 Truths: #1. I don’t take very good care of my body. #2. I don't take criticism very well
2 Physical Things that appeal to you (in the opposite sex) #1. Nice lips #2. Strong arms
2 of your Favorite Hobbies: #1. Scrapbooking #2. Photography (and also agility with my dogs)
2 Things you want really badly #1. To be with Bob forever #2. For my friends and family to have health and happiness
2 places you want to go on vacation: #1. Egypt #2. England (trip home!)
2 things you want to do before you die: #1. Celebrate my 10 year (at least) anniversary with Bob #2. Do everything on my "100 things to do before you die" list :)
2 ways that you are stereotypically a chick #1. PMS :( #2. I am NOT a stereotypical chick (except when PMS'ing)
2 Things that you are thinking about now: #1. Whether or not I care if anyone reads my blog #2. What to cook for dinner
2 Stores you Shop at: #1. Target #2. Any craft store :)

Welcome to Spot-On Creations!

Hello! Again! Well kinda... I decided to re-restart my blog. I know I know I'm always restarting my blog! Anyway I really want to get this going, I have some wicked challenge ideas so I really wanted somewhere to host them :)