Sunday scribblings - two peas in a pod

Friday, June 30, 2006

Well its Friday afternoon, I've just gotten out of the shower after having a nice afternoon swim in the pool. I casually browse through some sites and check to see if the Sunday Scribblings topic is up - and it is! And what a topic! Two Peas in a pod! I went to read some of the entries and notice how a few are startlingly similar to my own story! A story of friendship gone awry. Friendship lost.
My friendship with J spanned nearly 20 years. If I'm honest (and I will be) I think the last 5 of those were strained. Where did it go foul? I think it was a lot of things combined. Firstly after school we both pursued different paths. Different colleges, different courses, different lives, but we still kept our weekly girls night out. The big change really came when we went on vacation together to Kos. A girls vacation. Things really changed for both of us when we took that trip! But BIG changes happened when we got back! I reconciled with Bob, and my career as an aerobics instructor took off! J ended her relationship of 10 years and started University. The visits became more strained, more lack lustre, things had changed between us, something unspoken.
Two years later Bob and I got married. The nights out grew few and far between, we were both working, I had a husband, and she had University. Our priorities were different, I was settling down, and she was now starting to go out and party.
In 2001 Bob and I moved to the States, before we left we saw J one last time. I think part of me knew it would probably be the last time. Promises of coming over to see us, and keeping in touch. I wrote every couple of weeks initially, getting the occassional letter back, then the letters just stopped coming. I never gave up though, I kept trying, sending letters to her parents incase she'd moved. I found out 2 years ago she'd been through some tough times with a guy, and I phoned her parents. Eventually we got together on the phone, she promised to write and stay in touch but she never did. She had my phone numbers, address, emails, websites but never did contact me. I feel rejected, I miss the girls nights out we used to have, the friendship. Mostly I just miss having my best friend.
I made this album in April/May this year to document our friendship.

in a funk

Thursday, June 29, 2006

feeling in a funk today, hope it lifts cos DH is out tonight at poker so I can scrap the night away! I've got a partially done layout on my table, just needs finishing touches. I'll leave you with 2 cards and an altered notebook :)

Update: cards published in Ready Set Creat oct/nov 2006

Blogging challenge

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Got this challenge from the forum at the memory safe :)
How often do you scrap? - Every day usually. Most afternoons I'm usually in my scraproom, I try to create "something" every day even if its just a tag, or I'm organising supplies/planning future creations :)
When do you prefer to scrap? - nights just cos its cooler. Currently its 95 degrees outside! and its only lunchtime! Thank goodness for A/C
How long do you typically scrap for? - totally depends on the mojo
How many layouts do you complete in a month? - hmm again tough cos it varies. I do all kinds of work: layouts, mini books, altered stuff, cards, tags. I think in June I did about 12 layouts plus some altered stuff and cards. I should keep track more!
Prefer to scrap alone, with a friend or at a crop? - at home, just cos all my stuff is here. I prefer to computer journal (though been using handjournalling more lately!). But I just couldn't bear the hassle of shifting all my stuff! It was bad enough scrapping in the lounge when we have overnight guests!
Favorite scrappin munchie? - I don't tend to eat and scrap, I browse scrappy message boards and blogs and eat though ;)
Favorite beverage? (obviously, in a sippy glass... placed away from pictures and layouts) - coke, or water. Usually on my computer table whilst I'm surfing scrapblogs and message boards
How do you organize your sessions for scrapping? - organise? lol! I have a planner (posted pics Monday) and I plan what I want to submit to, deadlines for DT projects, challenges I want to do etc.
Do you build page kits? - nope I don't really plan as such, I go with the flow :)
Do you make power layouts? - not really, layouts can take anywhere from 30 mins to 3 days depending on how I'm feeling creatively.
How often do you use sketch challenges? - I use sketches once or twice a month as challenges. I like sketches!
How often do you scrap lift? - not often, I should do this more though.
Do you watch tv, movies, or listen to the music? - music!!!
Do you crop sitting ot standing? - sitting
What albums or themes are you currently working on?
Any tips or tricks to share? - As soon as I finish a layout I make cards/tags with the scraps. Love to use ALL of a kit, no waste in this scraproom!!!
Anything else you want to tell share about your scrapping habits? - I collect chipboard embellishments. I have enough pp to circle the globe! I save every scrap!

A quiz for today :)

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

What scrapbooking item are you?

You are PAPER! You are an all natural basic person who likes to act as a foundation to others. You are willing to take a backseat in most of your relationships and let others take the spotlight, while you show your support and help them shine! Underneath it all, you are the one who makes it all happen. You are the focus and stability in any group, even if you are not the leader. Others look to you to set the pace and provide ideas for ways to get things done. But Paper Beware - sometimes you get a little edgy with the people who look to you for support and can give them some papercut remarks that can hurt their feelings. Remember to watch what you say, because you are best when leading by example.
Take this

Got this off
Carrie's blog Thanks for the fun quiz Carrie!

June projects

Monday, June 26, 2006

Just sharing some June projects from Crafty Keepsakes
This is a small simple notebook. Its hanging above my computer monitor right now. I use it for noting down digital elements I use when doing digi pages. Or supply lists, or just simple to-do lists. Its approx 5x3". Used 3 bugs in a rug papers, DCWV rub-ons, and some penwork.

This is my submissions/publications Planner. Its one of those bright orange/red binders from the target dollar spot. Initially I painted it with acrylics in dark brown but the paint wouldn't take, had to go get some krylon fusion :) Its 3 bugs stuff, with a MM bookplate.
Simple tag for Trish (Happy Birthday!), 3 bugs, chatterbox, and MM.

Yay a dog page! I know you were missing them! Well this one is of River in 2002 when she got attacked by the black lab that used to live up the street . With her stitches and lampshade ;) isn't she cute! Just a quick page with junkitz and around the block products. Going in the dog folder, for the vets tab - which is getting thicker by the week!

This 4th July layout was in the Crafty Keepsakes newsletter :) along with the sketch to go with it. Love simple clean layouts. Used junkitz papers, dug out the sizzix for the title, and used some star brads I'd been hoarding forever!
Ok how's that for an update? lol! I'll update more often - promise!

Bad Blogger!

Sunday, June 25, 2006

I know I've been a bad blogger missing a few days but things got real weird here with Sky, and then I spent so much time trying to catch up on stuff! Been crazy! I got 3 layouts done this week which I'll try and share soon, must catch up on scanning. Sky is doing okay, still not healing as well as I'd like and her butt lump is still there... so wait and see what this week brings, if she's no better midweek when the antibiotics run out then we'll have to take her back for assessment at the vets.

Alright now

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Sharing a layout I did today with the Mirranda Reinhardt kit for Treasures to Scrap. Love the papers in that kit, going with the blues lately. I thought this pic went well with the papers.

Finally getting some scrapbooking done! Sky is doing well, not healing as much as I'd like but she's doing ok. I've been taking some photo's lately, something I haven't done much of recently, since my parents left I guess. Taking more pics of everyday things. I'm really trying to get some layouts done for MMM, looking bleak right now though! Even thinking about doing digital entries. Maybe!

Updating... patterned paper, doggy watch, digital upload

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Well I got my patterned paper sorted out, organised by manufacturer - then color, hopefully this will work out better! Sunday afternoon was spent with Sky at the emergency vets. She woke with swollen anal glands in the morning and as I suspected an abscess, which burst later in the afternoon. So $200 later, antibiotics, pain gel, warm compresses and the vet cleaning her up and she's now back to her "normal" self. Butt is looking ok, just lumpy on one side where the abscess is still draining a little (too much info?). So I'm on doggy watch for a while (no licking!). This has meant 3 days of no scrapping and I am in serious denial! I think its the longest I've gone without scrapping something!
Digital Design Team upload #2 at Treasures To Scrap is today: Mirranda Reinhardt pretty flowers kit. This is my great grandmother, Doris. Just a simple layout of her. Been scrapping a lot of older photo's lately! Also been doing more digital work, and bi-scrapping work.
Last night Bob went rollerskating with Andy, I stayed home nursing the poorly puppy! I went round the house and took some photo's. Hopefully some inspiration for MMM entries! Also I need to get back on track with my Book of Me, challenges, dares, and competitions.
Hopefully I'll get chance to get some scrapping done later today, Sky seems to be doing better so I'll bring the dog beds in here and *fingers crossed* create!

Sunday scribblings - bed

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Our bed! How things change! Remember when we lived in England? Our bed was a wooden double bed, with wood slats (some broken). The size of a queen/king US bed. Bedding from Argos, and with an electric blanket for those cold winter nights. Remember the winter nights we spent huddled together for warmth on the electric blanket that was the size of a postage stamp (no not really but it seemed like it!). How we used to hate getting out of bed on the cold winter mornings, into the unheated house!
And now? In our California King sized bed, the size of a basketball court! How the first night we slept in it, I was sure you weren't actually in there with me! You seemed so far away! The difference is huge in many ways! Remembering those winter nights now that we're lying in bed in the 80 degree nights here in Southern California, with the fan and air conditioning on, not wanting to cuddle for fear of bursting into flames being so hot!
Which do I prefer? Any so long as its with you!

Too much of a good thing?

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

So today I sat in my scraproom and tackled the paper problem! Yes I'll admit it I hoard paper! Yep Mum I know you knew this! Anyhow I am meeting the problem head on. I have sorted through 2 drawers of stuff so far. Wow what delights! SEI, paperworks, scenic route, basic grey, A2Z all in my stash and I totally forgot I had! Not to mention the chipboard alpha's, flowers, rub-ons, etc... Yes I am tidying/organising... well trying!

and a rooty toot toot!

Monday, June 12, 2006

Yep toot toot! A layout I did of Sky is gonna be in Scrapstreets July E-zine. I didn't even submit for it, got solicited through their gallery! I only uploaded the layout yesterday too!

Also for some reason a troll on 2peas saw fit to btt some year old threads today. Freaky thing was one was mine! Now I kinda feel bad cos people are posting to it, but I also feel kinda validated in a sense. Weird.
Have I "arrived"?
Oh and don't forget the online crop at treasures starting this Thursday! Lots of prizes, challenges, and fun games!

Creative Monday

Just a quick update to share some of my creations from today. Been a productive day really! Got 3 layouts done, and done lots of errands/chores.
First layout is for the SS inspirations call:
This one is for a competition entry, don't care if I win I love it :)
I also worked on the Rhonna Farrer 21 day challenge (round 4). Doing small 6x6 pages. Probably update when I have a few pages to upload.

Sunday Scribblings #11 - Mystery

Saturday, June 10, 2006

This weeks prompt is "Mystery". As per usual I read this and a million and one things jumped into my brain:

Who? What? Why? Where? When? How? huh?

For me the biggest mystery is LIFE.

Why are we here? What's life all about?

{insert Monty Pythons "meaning of life" song here! *chuckle}

Ok seriously though. Why? I mean there has to be some purpose otherwise what's the point? Why bother? I can get quite deep on occassion. No, really! The biggest question about life is what happens next? Is it pearly gates (or fiery damnation)? or do we get to go round again? or something else? Are we destined to end up as ghosts? Energy?

The human brain is so complex what DOES happen to it? Its the essence of US that makes it tick. Does that simply cease to be? Does it "go" - "somewhere"?

Its this that really makes me wonder about the validity of reincarnation. It does make total sense in lots of ways. Talk to me about seeing the light at the end of a tunnel? yeah maybe its a birth canal? and the shadowy figures you percieve as relatives? yeah maybe they are! just NEW relatives! or maybe old relatives renewed? hmmmm?

The whole human brain is so complex and still large parts of it are a complete mystery to us, so what's to say what IS and ISN'T possible for it? (I started off on a psychology tanget here but went back and deleted it - totally went off topic!) I mean we all go about our lives, childhood, teens, adults, old age and then ......? Is that it?

So for me LIFE is the biggest mystery. Why? because no-one can answer with absolute 100% proof as to what the heck the point is! And why we're here. Or even where we came from! Sorry I don't beleive in the Adam and Eve fairytale. But then there are so many missing evolution links! Maybe its the aliens? Yes I said it! Aliens! Maybe the aliens know?

Because lets face it - to quote another Monty Python song

"pray that there's intelligent life somewhere up in space,

cos there's bugger all down here on Earth!"


scrapping with grace this month. Here are my two layouts so far using the chatterbox papers etc.
Blue Eyed Babe:
Great Grandma:

I've also added a link to the altered blog. Challenges posted every 10th of the month. Hopefully I'll remember ;)

Studio Friday - favorite art supplies

Friday, June 9, 2006

This weeks Studio Friday is "favourite art supplies". I chose everything! lol! Ok not EVERYTHING but lets explain the photo's. Top left is my latest BIG supply! My craft robo :) on the right is my pc (for journalling, photo editing and digital scrapbooking - and message boards/email) and the bottom left is my table with current supplies on it (and the chair!). Usually I'm influence by what I'm currently using, or working on, so that's usually my favourite.

Scrapologie June kit - Chateau & Palazzo

Thursday, June 8, 2006

Junes scrapologie kit is here!!! - As always sharing a pic and info cos the kits ROCK! Ranjini puts together AMAZING kits! Its officially been 6 months that I've been getting this kit now. Started in January so now I have to decide to carry on or not. I'm thinking yes! Cos July's looks AWESOME!
Chateau and Palazzo. Kit Contents:All cardstock and patterned paper are 12" x 12"
Bazzill Cardstock:
1 sheet Bazzill Lily White
1 sheet Bazzill Cream Puff
1 sheet Bazzill Saguaro
1 sheet Bubble Blue
1 sheet Bazzill scalloped-edge cardstock in brown
Chatterbox Decorative Cardstock (double-sided), Chateau Collection:
1 sheet Chocolate Tapestry
1 sheet Olive Persian Flower
Double-sided Patterned Paper:
1 sheet Chatterbox Chateau Bias Plaid
1 sheet Chatterbox Chateau Persian Floral
1 sheet Chatterbox Chateau Sky Floral Quilt
1 sheet Chatterbox Chateau Meadowlark
1 sheet Scenic Route Charlotte Lewis Street Floral Brown
Single-sided Patterned Paper
1 sheet Paper Salon Palazzo Arches
1 sheet Paper Salon Palazzo Plates Multi
1 sheet Paper Salon Palazzo Blue Windows
1 sheet Paper Salon Palazzo Harlequin Multi
1 package Making Memories Velvet Alpha Stickers in Chocolate
1 sheet Seven Gypsies Lettres Rubbings, Librarie
1 Making Memories Boho Chic Round Brocade Frame in Chocolate
1 Prima 4" hemp flower in natural or green, our choice
1 package Daisy D's Metal photo corners in lime green
1 Seven Gypsies shoe buckle
Approximately 20 crystal brads from Making Memories, assorted sizes
1 yard May Arts grosgrain ribbon, green polka dots on cream
1 yard May Arts ribbon, chocolate velvet
1 yard May Arts ribbon, sky blue mesh
Just for Fun:
Three vintage French vocabulary cards


Wednesday, June 7, 2006

This morning was smashing! Literally! I accidentally knocked a beer bottle out of the fridge when I reached for the OJ this morning! Smashed all over the floor! So the kitchen smells like a brewery now!

Other smashing news: Got my GDT kit from scrappingwithgrace. Lots of chatterbox papers! Yum! So I'll be playing with these goodies this week:

I have to do 2 layouts as my GDT responsibilities and host a challenge later in the month. Looking forward to working with these papers!

More smashing news! I got my competition DCWV goodies from createmykeepsakes! Remember last week I won the fathers day card contest? Well my goodie pack arrived this morning! Awesome stuff!

I've been organising all my digital files on my pc, hopefully things will be easier to find now! Been doing a fair bit of digi scrapping recently. The design team position at TreasuresToScrap has been good cos I've started doing more digi and I got to use some awesome sponsor kits! This one I did for fun! I'll upload more digital layouts on the 7th.

Layout credits: Shabby princess: Background paper - teaparty kit; ribbon - teaparty kit; stitching - spring breeze; brown overlay - shabby smiles; This one was done as the Monthly digi sketch challenge at Treasurestoscrap. All elements are shabby princess. I've been using lots of older photo's lately. Ones I've scanned in from my Mums photo collection. This layouts main photo is 4 generations of women. Me (the baby!), my mum (left), my gran(top right), and my great gran (holding me - bottom right).

Digital design team - first upload

So today is the 7th! That means its upload day for the digital team (me) at TreasuresToScrap. This month sponsor is Mirranda Reinhardt at Yesterdays-remembered. I took ages deciding which kit to get and after about 45 minutes chose the "pretty flowers" kit. Its a beautiful kit! Just love it! Goes so well with heritage photo's. This is a photo of my Mum and Aunt Christine as bridesmaids. I've already done my layout for the upload on the 21st, and half done for July! I am totally into digital scrapbooking now! Its never gonna replace my love for paper, but its great as something to do when I'm on the pc. Plus I have photoshop again now (thanks Bob!) which seems to handle the big file sizes better than Paint Shop Pro. I'm so happy with this page, I think the photo and the kit were made for each other!

This one is with the same kit by Mirranda Reinhardt with: quote - Digital Scrapbooking Place; stitching - Digital design essentials. I'm liking how its turned out. Fun kit! And I have another layout saved for the 21st for the 2nd upload.

In other news: Got my paper DT goodies from TreasuresToScrap today! Some yummy SEI Kaboom! I did a layout with my GDT goodies from scrappingwithgrace (will share as soon as I can get it scanned). And today I got my $50 check from Simple Scrapbooks for my layout in the Sept/Oct edition! Which means I'll be buying the new books from Cathy Z and Ali E soon!

Update: both layouts published in Scrapstreet ezine August 2006

Sunday scribblings - my earliest memory

Saturday, June 3, 2006

The topic of this weeks Sunday Scribblings was posted as "my earliest memory". When I saw it I kinda shuddered! Why? Because I have a terrible memory! Let me share with you this story;

Picture the scene: I've just had a scrapbook page requested by Simple Scrapbooks, I'm giddy with excitement! Part of the submission requests asks random questions that they post with the page. One of the questions was:-

"If you're life were a movie, who would play you?"
I couldn't think of anybody, so off I went to find my DH to ask him his opinion. He thought about it for about 10 seconds and said "Dory!". Yes his answer was Dory from "Finding Nemo"!

For those of you that haven't seen this animated movie, Dory is a fish. A fish with a terrible memory! Thankfully I did see the funny side cos yes I am Dory (I even did an onlie quiz: which finding nemo character are you? and yes I AM Dory!) I do forget, I am terribly ditzy, and have little concentration.
So back to the current Scribblings topic (I also have this tendancy to go off on tangents!)! I don't have an earliest memory. I have these kinda flashbacks to a childhood which I'm not totally sure is mine or if its imagined. Being an only child I was lost in my imagination a lot. I remember our old house growing up, having a "play room" cos the third bedroom was pretty useless with just me and my Mum. I kinda remember the early school years. Learning to read and write. Anything before that is kind of a blur.
I guess thats why I got so involved in scrapbooking! I want to remember things in my life. There is so much I now wished I'd taken photo's of, or written down the story or events. One of the reasons I am passionate about is scrapbooking LIFE. The good, the bad, the ugly... it all what makes us who we are. Memories are great but the scrapbook pages are there to help preserve those memories!

May Round up!

Friday, June 2, 2006

So I found this site early May and decided it would be a great thing to add to my blog at the beginning of each month. So here's the round-up for May :)
What books and/or magazines did I read this month?
-bookwise I rarely read fiction anymore :( weird cos I was BIG on reading as a kid. Anyway I reread "designers eye for scrapbooking" by Ali Edwards and "big picture scrapbooking" by Stacy Julian. Currently devouring Creating Keepsakes June Magazine, and Digital Scrapbooking 5.
What movies and/or tv shows did I watch this month?
-My parents visited in May and I got into the British show called "sea of souls". Everything has about finished just waiting for the new series to start. Should have new stargate and battlestar gallactic soon!
What special days did I celebrate and how?
-it was memorial day in May and Bob had the day off. We didn't really celebrate.
What illnesses or health concerns did I have in May?
-nothing other than darn allergies :(
What fun things did I do with my friends and/or family?
-we went to Skateland! Yes after what must be 7 years we went rollerskating! Our skates do still work, though the bodies aren't as co-operative ;)
What new foods, recipes or restaurants did I try in May?
-not much! Must break out those cookbooks again!
What special or unusual purchases did I make?
-I can't think of anything out of the ordinary! We are soon to be having new windows installed but that should be early June.
What were this months disappointments?
-other than the long weekend no being long enough? I don't think we've had any dissapointments! On the contrary!
What were my accomplishments this month?
-Where to start? It was my Guest Design team spot at Creating with paper! One of my layouts was chosen as layout of the day on scrapjazz, and it got included in their weekly newsletter. I got chosen as Junes guest designer at scrappingwithgrace. I won the fathers day card competition at createmykeepsake. A featured designer at diversity designs. And finally made it onto the design team at treasurestoscrap! Its been a TOOTASTIC month!
Any thing else noteworthy to record about May?
-We finally moved along a step on our greencard! Got our labor certification approval! Yeah! So now we push the papers off to someone else and wait again...
All that's left for me to do is the tasks - I'll update when they are done!
Back up all digital pictures to a cd and to the z drive
Back up all digital layouts to a cd. Print out any digital layouts created during the month and put them in albums.
Send email links to online photo albums to your family or friends who might enjoy them or send a picture cd, or picture attachments. Share your memories!Get your pictures printed out and put into simple photo sleeve albums.
Put finished paper scrapbook layouts in sheet protectors and albums to enjoy.
For bloggers - print out my blog entries to keep in a binder. My blog(s) really are like a journal and I was thinking that it would be nice to have hard copy to keep. I know some people back up their blog files which is probably a good idea.
Scrapbooking Supplies:
For digital scrappers:download, unzip, and file all kits & fonts purchased. Save a preview image of each kit and keep it in a separate file for easy browsing. Back up all new purchases to cd or dvd in case of computer crash or to maximize your hard drive space.
For paper scrappers:put away any new purchases. Do you still have stuff in sacks sitting around? I know some of you do! Put it away in an organized system.
For all scrappers:Look through what you have purchased recently and decide what you want to use. At the first of the month set some goals for scrapping (hint – use this same list of ideas as a goal sheet for April) Sort through old supplies that no longer appeal to you. Donate them to a friend who can use them or a charity. Look through what supplies you did use during the month and think about what it is about them that appealed to you. This will help you make smarter purchases in the future.
Clean up your area! Whether that is getting your computer in tip top shape, or clearing off the piles on a table where you can sit and work.


A quick post to inform everyone on the online crop weekend at treasurestoscrap! I'll be doing a little competition for the photography buffs and also a photography challenge! Lots of fun things happening that weekend :) come and join us!

I figured something out this week!

I scrap better when decisions are made for me. That is, send me product and I'll scrap away no problem. Let me choose the product and it'll take me an hour just to narrow down the choices! Thursday I downloaded my Digi kit for the DT at treasurestoscrap. Now this took an hour plus just to decide on the kit. Mind you once I got it and started playing I knew I made the right choice! Tracy unleashed the new DT incentives program at this mornings online meeting! Wow! They go above and beyond for the DT! Love that place! Its one of those sites that you immediately feel at home in y'know? Those places are few and far between these days!
Waiting on goodies from competitions and the GDT stuff from scrappingwithgrace. Can't wait to see what I get, plus I ordered some 3 bugs ;)
On the homefront we got new windows today! I can't beleive how different the house looks! Its amazing! I just hope it keeps the house cooler! Also we've been going rollerskating! Went tuesday and again tonight. Its been MANY years since we skated but we're thoroughly enjoying it! I may even scrap about it ;)