
Monday, August 28, 2006

Sneak peak at the Crafty Keepsakes "spice of life" kit projects. Love the rich colors in this kit! I got the kit and both add-ons! Loved it that much! The kit should go up for sale around the 1st of September! So I'll upload the full projects then :)


Saturday, August 26, 2006

I've been busy creating! Done a layout and altered item yesterday (sharing soon!) and a digi layout for Octobers scrapstreet. Yep I'm working that far ahead! Finalising a layout for scrappychick and hope to be working on holiday cards this week!

In other news if you want to see a layout click here Simple Scrapbooks Inspirations gallery :) loving this! My second now with them :) Love simple scrapbooks! Its so me!

Still working on stuff, will upload some layouts on the 1st if not before.
Catch ya later!

Guest Designer opportunities!!!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

I know I said I'd take a break from blogging for a few days but there is an opportunity that I'd like to put out there for paper and digital designers! Treasures to Scrap is looking for GUEST DESIGN TEAM MEMBERS for both paper and digital! Full details available in the forums! Look forward to seeing some applications!!!

Don't forget to tell em Di/Spot-On sent ya!

Good luck!

See ya in the forums!!!

Its an upload day!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Well technically it was yesterday but blogger wouldn't let me upload pics! Did this card (and sketch) for Crafty Keepsakes challenges! Using 3 bugs in a rug products. Look out for some sneak peaks of projects done with the premiere kit "spice of life"!

This layout was done with CG Essentials Ocean Breezes kit, for Treasures To Scrap.
Hopefully I'll get chance to get some more challenges and stuff done, but I am working on projects for next months DT stuff (dream street, Lori Barnhurst and CK kits). PLUS I want to get some projects done for upcoming calls :) Gonna take a break for a few days and get creating!

Update: Merci card published in Scrapstreet Ezine January 2007

Something on my mind

Monday, August 21, 2006

Lately a lot of magazines have been asking for "never before seen layouts" in their submission requests. Whilst I appreciate you guys wanna see my work I will be hanging back with a few of my favorites. A while back someone mentioned on 2peas about having a "top 10" portfolio where you keep your favourite 10 layouts unseen. I think this is where I'll be going. I'll still share design team work, and stuff but everything else will be on a reviewed basis. So you will still see layouts, but I won't be posting everything :)
I did have a DT layout to share but blogger isn't uploading pics it seems! *SIGH* guess that made todays decision!

Kim Hill CG Essentials

Saturday, August 19, 2006

This months sponsor at Treasures to Scrap is Kim Hill of CG Essentials. We had her chatting at the site on Wednesday, and there were challenges! Guess what? I won one! Yeah! I got a gift card to the store :) so today off I went shopping! I also had another coupon for attending the chat! Got 2 of the yummy paper packs, and some alphabet sets!
This layout is with the kim hill simple pleasures patterned papers; alpha - messystamps kim hill; grunge photo frame - digital Scrapbook place; stitching - shabby princess; wordart - dawn mcDowell

I've made 3 digital layouts today but can only share this one :) Been experimenting with the dodge and burn tools. Thats how I got the inked effect. Definately learning more with each layout!

Update: Layout Published in Scrapstreet Ezine October 2006

Digital Toot!

Friday, August 18, 2006

So I had a little secret toot earlier this month, and its a good job I was secretive cos its changed :) I WAS gonna be Octobers guest digital design team member at scrapstreet. But today they asked me to be a full design team member :) This means I get to play with the kits; get published in the ezine; and should I want to, I have a place to sell kits. Not that I have any kits but its cool to have the opportunities y'know! Cos you never know when a person might who has been saying she'll design a kit someday will get off her butt and actually design one! So yeah, in all a good day :) and here is my new blinkie

Digital Frenzy

Thursday, August 17, 2006

So there was a chat yesterday at Treasures to Scrap with Kim Hill (CG Essentials our August sponsor), and we have challenges going. So I set about making some digital layouts. Well I got THREE done yesterday afternoon, then last night I started with the September kits and got another TWO done! I can share the Kim Hill ones though, the other two have to wait till next month :)

"Whale watching" was a scraplift challenge, I lifted Trish's layout "missing you". Used Kim Hills Ocean Breezes kit. Pic is from whale watching in Santa Barbara May this year.

"Chill out and Relax" is my Mom (hi Mom!) sitting in her back garden (pic taken by my Dad). I used a digital sketch for this (Pattie Knox). Again used Kims ocean breezes kit. This was my first time using a digital sketch and BOY are they easy!

This "Sister" layout is my sister-in-law Dawn. She's a crafter like me. Again with the ocean breezes kit. This was also for the August sketch challenge at Treasures to Scrap.

Guest Design team for...

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Scrapspotonline. Their sponsor this month was ki, love me some ki! I was all over that! I got the driven line to play with :) some patterned paper, alphas and chipboard (yay chipboard!). So far I've done 3 layouts...

This one is me in my scraproom, Bob took this photo earlier this year, table always looks this messy unfortunately! Love the arrows! Supplies: all ki, except the monogram S: 3 bugs in a rug. And I should add that the arrow does pop off the end of the page :)

Ok this one is my favorite. Just cos its my man! Love the colors popping off the black. Made the pic black and white, added the ki pp, journalled in the spaces :) and added some of my trusty Heidi Swapp chipboard alphas! Love these lime green ones, perfect!

Another page about me! I chose the pic cos of the colors and built the layout around it. Really like the colors in this ki line of papers!
and the good news is I have some scraps, alphas and chipboard left over! So I'll be making some more stuff with this later! Awesome! Gotta say those alphas are gonna be great on cards!

Treasures upload!

Mid-month paper sponsor upload at treasures to scrap. This months sponsors were Magic Mesh and PM Designs. First up a tag! Bet you thought I'd forgotten about making tags? no? Well this is a mix of stuff: magic mesh; MM; lil davis; sizzix; DCWV
This is a CD of photo's for my friend Eliza. We had a morning out at the park last Wednesday so I could get some photo's of Lani & Lucas. I put all the pics on a CD for her and just designed a simple insert.

Couple of cards using the PM designs alpha stickers. DCWV cardstock; prima flowers; joanns brads

I know! Bad Blogger!

Monday, August 14, 2006

So I did something terrible on Saturday. I signed up for one month on World of Warcraft! Haven't played since April and didn't miss it. Then Bob got me a new widescreen monitor and heck I couldn't resist trying that baby out! So yeah now I'm hooked again! *sigh* world of warcrack! That game is seriously addicting. BUT I realise this after 2 days so that's good right? Taking action NOW!
hence I am behind in the 21 day challenge!

Days 9 + 10 and tooting again!

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Doing ok on the Rhonna challenge! Definately learning more about photoshop! Loving the digital stuff lately! Day 9 all Rhonna stuff, transparancy settings and journalling. Love the Rhonna swirls on this! The woman is just a genius!

Day 10 - Rhonna Farrer quote and frame. Picked the pink rose photo with this as it just seemed to fit for me! I', going through an enlarging and transparancy phase!

In other news I'm a cover finalist for scrapstreet sept edition! And I got FOUR cards picked up by Ready Set Create oct/nov edition! Gotta get creating!

Rhonna challenge days 7 & 8; Some news and a rooty tooty toot two!

Tuesday, August 8, 2006

Its the end of the first week on the 21 day challenge. Its been eye opening as usual. These journalling things always make me grow so much more! I'm always able to journal more when there is no photo! Weird that! Anyway this is day 7: Rhonna Farrer stuff, and see the pink textured paper at the top? I did that! Go me!
Day 8: Rhonna Farrer header and swirls; CG Essentials ribbon and paper; the stamp is designerdigitals. Pic is a self portrait with transparancy setting adjusted down.

Remember earlier this year Bob got me a HUGE new hard-drive? And I lost my folders of spotoncreations and my cards (scans from the last 2 years!)? Well last night Bob retrieved them for me! Thanks hun!
Tooting x 2!!! Scrappy Chick fall issue :) woohoo!
Going AWOL till Thursday! Lots of work to do :)

Simply Tootin'! And uploadin'!

Monday, August 7, 2006

I got an email this morning from Simple Scrapbooks requesting a layout for their online inspirations gallery! Whoohoo!

Its digital upload day today at Treasures to Scrap and this months sponsor is CG Essentials.
Tranquility: Kit - Ocean Breezes by CG Essentials. Featured in the Treasures to Scrap August newsletter.

Santa Monica: kit - Ocean Breezes; Alpha tiles - shabby princess; Stamp - Rhonna Farrer

Hopefully get to work on the Rhonna challenge later this afternoon, will upload tomorrow :)

Rhonna challenge

Sunday, August 6, 2006

So I didn't get to update yesterday, mostly cos I was in pain. My should has been giving me some trouble again (reoccurring problem) and it moved up into my neck. I finally gave in and took some pain meds and some ointment and I can still smell the ointment gel stuff. Yukky! Good news is my shoulder feels much better today! I can move! Didn't do my exercises yesterday but thats ok! Its all good! Day 5 - all Rhonna Farrer digital stuff - recolored the border a little :)
Todays day 6 entry - I think this made me realise more than ever that not doing the exercise yesterday was ok! I mean its what I LEARN on the challenge that's important not the result! Much like most things in life really!

I also made 2 recipe pages yesterday but I can't share them yet... like a lot of stuff I'm doing at the moment :) Its all good, but makes my Mum impatient to see what I'm creating. All in good time! I also have a Guest Design Team spot for September :)

(yes that was a subtle toot!)

Bumper Upload day!

Friday, August 4, 2006

Firstly: day 4 of Rhonna's challenge. Using all Rhonna Farrer products.

I also have LOTS of layouts to share from my guest design team position this month at Scrapstreet! I got a YUMMY kit with Heidi Swapp and Crate paper goodies! AND as a bonus for August I got another kit summer themed. I had to create a project for 5 challenges and 2 projects with the summer kit. So bumper upload ahead!

Theme Challenge: create a layout using song lyrics/title on a layout. I chose "Groovy kind of love" by Phil Collins. Journalling is hidden under photo. Love the Heidi Swapp alphas! I think I have 7 sets now! And the fabric "best friends" tab was an impulse buy at walmart MANY months ago!


Color Challenge: Create a layout using earth toned colors. Loved the Crate paper, definately earthy toned. Again painted the Heidi Swapp alphas. The circle is done with a template and pen.


Altered Challenge: Alter a book or journal. Using DCWV on this one and electrical tape :) Love the colors on these papers. Now I have one place for all the online challenges I want to do!


Card challenge: Celebration cards. Used mostly kit stuff here. The only thing I added was the rub-on word.


Technique challenge: stamping on layouts with black ink to similate doodling. I used flower stamps and just doodled some 'stems and swirls'


Summer kit: Took the photo in Santa Monica Dec 2005. I was trying out different modes on my camera and totally overexposed this shot! BUT I like it! Just adjusted it slightly in Photoshop and thought it went well with these papers.


Summer kit: My pool dude! We are TOTALLY lovin' the pool this year! In summer its always worth it, in winter I just begrudge the upkeep when we don't use it!


In other news: got my layout back today from Simple Scrapbooks! With my complimentary copy. Sept/Oct edition page 117 :) I'll get round to scanning the page in this weekend sometime.


Thursday, August 3, 2006

Just when I get things done early, ready to upload my day 3 of Rhonna's challenge and blogger has a meltdown! Can't upload pics! *grumble grumble*

Rhonna's day 3 and exciting changes!

Day 3 in the 21 day challenge. Love this quote and kit from Rhonna Farrer. The kit is downloadable from 2 peas, June 06 kit I think. I am definately feeling the exercise! Been walking the dogs at a slightly faster pace, so that soon I can increase the distance/duration.

Well things are changing up at CraftyKeepsakes! Angela and I have been in cahoots and are excited to announce the first kit and add ons! Here's a sneak peek at the kit!

Gotta say I love the quote and the colors! The add ons rock! So excited to be helping Angela in this new project!

Its a new challenge!

Wednesday, August 2, 2006

So Rhonna started the 21 day challenge again yesterday! I have LOTS of stuff I want to do (organising scraproom!) but I decided on exercise as my new habit I want to create! I aim to do some basic strength training exercises over the next 21 days. 7 muscle groups, 7 reps. I've also decided to go fully digital with this round! I am doing lots more digital lately and I am making the full switch from paint shop pro to photoshop and hopefully this will make me get used to the PS shortcuts!
Day One - Rhonna's quote; CG Essentials ocean breezes kit; Lettering delights font;

Day Two - Rhonna's quote; my extension of her doodles, just trying some new things :)

So I have a new banner for the blog. Gonna change it monthly now with the digital sponsors we have at Treasures. This months digital sponsors are CG Essentials.

Paper sponsors layouts: PM Designs and Magic Mesh
It seems ages since I did this when realistically it was just June! Working ahead on projects really stinks sometimes sitting on layouts you love! Took this photo of Bob on a boat trip whale watching earlier this year. Magic Mesh, DCWV, K&Co

Ok this spring layout SO didn't turn out like I wanted. In fact I hate it. the top half just isn't right, I like the tag title but the rest is just WRONG, argh! DCWV, Magic Mesh, MM, PM designs

One of my favourite photos of me :) I love Seaworld. I wish we lived closer! I'd be there all the time! (especially now - with my 12x zoom camera!!!). PM designs, MM, DCWV, simple but I like the white space :)

Julys Round-Up

Tuesday, August 1, 2006

What books and/or magazines did I read this month?
Books - Cathy Zeilske/clean and simple the sequel; Ali Edwards/designing with patterned paper; layout blueprints;
Mags - Creating Keepsakes

What movies and/or tv shows did I watch this month?
No memorable movies that I remember! TV shows - Hex, life on mars, stargate, stargate atlantis, Monk, and psych

What special days did I celebrate and how?
Well 4th of July was a washout cos we had a sick dog.
What illnesses or health concerns did I have?
None for me :) healthy month other than wicked allergies!

What fun things did I do with my friends and/or family?
Again not much, been busy looking after the dogs and nursing them back to health! Fingers crossed for no vet bills for a while!
What new foods, recipes or restaurants did I try this month?
We tried the Greek place again. Been eating Chinese a lot too in July! Just love Vegetable Delight! Their fortune cookies are SPOT-ON!
What special or unusual purchases did I make?
I don't think there were any!
What were this month’s disappointments?
Both dogs costing a small fortune at the vets! The electric bill! Yikes!
What were my accomplishments this month?
Working on the kits at Crafty Keepsakes! 4 pages in scrapstreet picked up, 1 page for RSC; I won the competition for ASF (june) and scrapstreet (july); I found out I am the GDT at scrapstreet AND scrapspot for August and I was asked to be a freelance designer for Scrappy chick magazine!!! I've been totally blessed this July and had lots of good news!

Anything else noteworthy to record?
Sky got sick with an impacted anal gland so lots of time was spent nursing her, and on dog watch. Then River got a funky ear infection and that was more nursing! Dogs!
July was full of good news creatively but a struggle emotionally with the dogs being so dependant on me. Thankfully both are well again right now, and I can get back into a routine!
Things to work on in August: organising and purging in my scraproom!