Rhonna Farrers 21 challenge - day 4 + 5

Friday, March 31, 2006

This is day 5. Yep I turned the page! Cos I can, its MY book! So freeing to kick out the rules with this and do what I want. This is Rhonna's quote, a large black brad, with white reinforcers, some felt alphabets (came with a make your own xmas stocking kit), white sharpie, and strips of white cardstock with holes punched out. I puched the holes out to co-ordinate with the 'ribbon' on the tag.

Below is day 4. I didn't get chance to upload it yesterday as my concentration was GONE. Still feeling the tail end of this flu. Weather isn't helping at all, raining and overcast :( where did the sunshine go? For this one I kept it simple. Printed the quote, some doodles from Rhonna's freepea kit at 2peas (awesome!), and a little notelet paper, some ribbon and staples.

Design Challenge - wk 1

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Week 1 of the design challenge at the pub. Our group was assigned shape and one other, but I got myself all confused (as usual) and elected to use size instead! And when I stuck the photo's down I remembered about the other focus item and added stitching (texture). So basically I didn't stick to any of the assigned things and just made a layout. Not that I happy with it either. The title doesn't 'work'. Its all totally unbalanced by the yellow block. Yet the yellow block is the only thing I like! *sigh*
PP = DCWV; sticko epoxy stickers; MM washer; offray ribbon; title = craft robo;

Done before lunch day 3/21

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Day 3 of the 21 day challenge. Enjoying it so far, yesterday was a struggle but I loved todays. It fell together instantly. I played with Rhonna's quote adding a little penwork. The rest is more penwork, paper and brads. I am giving myself permission to use things! I can't tell you how many times I've NOT used something for fear of finding the perfect layout later that needs that embellishment. But guess what? I can buy more brads! Wow what a lightbulb moment! I'm having a few lightbulb moments lately!

Challenge wise I am doing ok. I am documenting my day with lists. A list of goals I want to achieve, and a list of stuff actually achieved and the time it took. I find that I have too many things I want to do. I need to organise my life, the house, and my time. Everything comes down to time. Time. I need to PRIORITISE!

Day 2 - {21} + intro

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

I'm still working on the cover. But I have done my page for today:

This has the quote from Rhonna's blog, the rest is some cardstock, paper and penwork. This was the third attempt at this page but this is the one I am going with, more free. Definately feelin' the freestyle right now.
For the intro I went doodly again with some penwork and some handjournalling. The journalling explains my time issues and the 100's of things I want to do. The quote (from Rhonna's blog) is done with a label machine, and a little white sharpie for that extra emphasis.


Monday, March 27, 2006

After lots and lots of thought, and many topics of choice for this challenge they mostly came down to one thing - {TIME} My TIME management sucks. Seriously I don't work (bless my DH for being the breadwinner smooches to ya honey!) and I have few commitments. Other than agility everything else is flexible so where does my TIME go? So for the next 21 days I am going to document my TIME vs Productivity. I know my biggest enemy for TIME management - the internet. Probably the same as most people now days I spent too much time online just procrastinating. Each day I hope to post my art journal creation for the day, with a list of accomplishments vs TIME.
Ok onto the creating...

Day 1 - {21}

This is my entry for today. I tried to upload it earlier but blogger was having a melt down!
The quote block is directly from Rhonna's site. I went with the green to complement and I DOODLED! OMG I doodled! My first time! And I love it! My goals and lists for the day will slip into the pocket of the quote block. I also used a coupe of stamps; small flower stamp from a set from Target (crafters corner I think) and the arrow was part of a big set of office-y type stamps I got from the dollar store ages ago.

Weekend stuff

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Made a few cards, completed a layout (which I can't post), also completed a digital layout and generally played around with PSP. Doing a layout right now on my Dad, hopefully it pans out, lacking in creativity really this weekend. B is ill again, and I am feeling kinda blah. This stupid bug again no doubt playing with our minds!

Anyway I have decided to take part in the {21} challenge with Rhonna Farrer. Not 100% sure at this point what I am giving up/starting maybe more of a creative journey that anything for me. Keeping an art journal for 21 days in of itself will be a challenge!

I definately sense a change of style lately, more embellishments and stuff in general. Not sure what has sparked this but I have been happy with all the pages made this week, and they have come together pretty quickly too. I just wish this bug would leave us completely and we can get on with living...

ICS contest

Friday, March 24, 2006

Another layout another contest. The reagan one was a flop, didn't get anywhere with it. Ah well I like it, but I feel my style is changing.
This is the spring fling layout for ICS. Its from a sketch again for the first round, sketch by Robin Blankenship. PP is rhonna farer (autumn leaves) and wild asparagus. Lots of embellishing on this one with binder clips, WA pals embellishment, photo turns, brads, buttons, sticker. The {Dal} was done with the craft robo (loving that thing!). Font was garoumond I think. Had to handjournal which I hate, other than the journalling I love it :)

Graceful layout

Competition at scrappingwithgrace.

Brief: create a layout that -

  1. has green as the dominant color
  2. has one black and white photo
  3. "lucky" in the title
  4. Ribbon
  5. Ribbon slide/buckle/bosher

I created this layout journalling : "21st September 19 (?? going to ask the actual year Mum I can't remember!) you and George tied the know. And still together after all these years. Third time lucky... That's what they say! And it was for you Mum! Finally you settled down." Supplies:- pp = rusty pickle; rub-ons = scenic route + MM; alpha stickers = scenic route; ribbon = offray; buckle = sizzix die covered in suede paper; black ink; zig pen; photo turn + brad = joanns, black circles are hole punches.

Another competition entry

Sunday, March 19, 2006

when I first saw the sketch for this competition I knew I had to use this photo on the left. The photo's just "went" with the sketch. It all came together pretty quickly. Journalling is on the library pocket tag.
Supplies: DCWV paper; Stencil; Craftrobo (font-impact, library pocket); brads - target, office supply tabs, star punch, corner rounder.

Ain't nobody

Friday, March 17, 2006

This is my round 2 entry for the scrap-a-latte play offs. Not sure how it'll fare as its my style (simple/clean lines) and most the other entries aren't. I guess at least it'll stand out. I also submitted it cos you never know! Oh and I post processed the photo, making it black and white but putting the jacket in color (mostly cos the green of the trees behind B really clashed on the layout). I love this photo of B at Universal studios in Jan. Its my fav photo of him, smooches!

Layout supplies: wild asparagus pp, bazzill cardstock, target stamps, unknown fibres, joanns photo turns & brads, acrylic unknown, date stamp joanns, Heidi swap rub-on, and the title I did myself with my CraftRobo :) Font is Haettenschweiler.

Update: published in Scrapstreet Feb Ezine 2007

Good mail day!

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Got my complimentary copy of PaperARTS magazine today. Its the Jan/Feb/March edition and my tag is on page 59. I love the tag I made for Trish at 2peas. It was only on a whim that I submitted, and it was a general submission. Chrystal emailed me back saying she wanted it and I was so happy. Its my second publication and my "I'm not a one hit wonder" pub :) Thanks Trish!

HOF madness!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Its HOF time! Now I didn't enter so why am I all excited and nervous? Well cos my online buddies are a tooting at the pub! 21 toots so far out of 25 winners. Either Lisa B gave up calling till tomorrow or the other 4 aren't peas!
I really love all the excitement when toots are going up on the boards. Now if only I'd entered eh? Well the due date was just too close to B's parents going home and me getting my room scrap-ready so it just wasn't happening. I should have started WAY earlier, procrastinator! I vow that I WILL enter MMM if only for the experience of entering.
In other news I slept much better last night, still waking up but not half as bad! I am left still with this lovely 'barking' cough that is so irritable :( I feel a little more myself each day but still have a foggy head which makes concentrating terrible. I have a layout that needs doing on my table, decided on the papers, and photo but its needs to come together. Needs submitting by Friday at the latest. Also working on a couple of other projects. Just wish the foggyness would clear!


Tuesday, March 14, 2006

PUBSTER OF THE DAY! I'm really pleased to say that today is MY day at 2peas! I am pubster of the day! I have a whole thread with my name on :) So I posted a little quiz on there, random facts about me, my life, and general crap.

Bad night - good day!

Monday, March 13, 2006

Another bad night due to this stupid flu, ended up sleeping on the sofa sitting upright just to stop me coughing. I think I just slept out of exhaustion in the end! B is working from home today cos he didn't get much sleep with me coughing and heck he's been taking care of me. Did I mention my chest and back ache really bad from coughing?
Good day cos I made the top 40 at imaginecreatescrap, the top 20 at scrap-a-latte and I got my freakin CRAFT ROBO! We did a cut on it at lunch and since then I've been absorbing info. Gonna try some stuff later! Can't wait! Its freakin awesome!

This is a layout I did as part of a DT application challenge. I'm loving the KI papers right now. The KI line was something I never really jumped on when they were first out but now I'm loving them! Also seem to be on a stamping trend again! Which is good cos I have enough to use ;)

Oh and my March kit from scrapologie arrived on Saturday. Not that I've had any chance to play with it being sick and all. I did take it out the box and look at the stuff. The A2Z papers are really great! I so want to create something but my head is just so foggy right now, its all I can do to keep my eyes open!

4am - page 59

Sunday, March 12, 2006

4am and I'm up :( coughing. This stupid flu isn't going away and honestly I'm getting annoyed with it, short tempered from lack of sleep. Sitting here with a cuppa, tissues, and wide awake from coughing. And yet also tired *sigh*
On the upside my tag has been published by PaperART (was corresponenceART) magazine! Page 59 in the jan/feb/mar edition. Can't wait to get my copy. Got the heads up from the 2peas pub :)

Well gonna keep drinking, and get some scrapping done

Scrap, sketch... wait!

Wednesday, March 8, 2006

Finished my layout for the "Take it to the hoop" challenge on scrap-a-latte. Journalling is behind the right photos. Supplies: KI papers ; KI alpha's; DCWV cardstock; Tabs - office supply; Joanns date stamp; Leisure Arts thinkable inkables stamps. Pretty happy with how it turned out. And its another page for the girls album! Another one closer to being caught up! Now I have to wait till Monday to see if I get through to the top 20...

Update: published in Ready Set Create dec/jan issue 2007

No more mojo :(

Tuesday, March 7, 2006

So just at the time when I need to do a layout from a sketch for a competition my mojo goes and leaves me :( I got through to the top 40 at scrap-a-latte and have to get this layout in by Friday! I think I spent 2 hours shoving paper and photo's around. Trying to decide on the right colors. In the end I just left it, its still sitting there on the table. Maybe tomorrow!


Monday, March 6, 2006

I haven't journalled for one month. Then today I get a newsletter from the 5yearjournal and it contains 17 journalling tips, a couple stood out for me that I wanted to remember.

  • Write in your journal freely. Do not worry about how it looks, or even grammar and spelling errors. Write how you want, what you want, and where you want.
  • Writing a word, sentences, paragraphs or pages, journaling whatever you have to say that day, is just the right amount to write.
  • Part of keeping a journal is skipping a day, a week, and even months.
I restarted my journal, ideally I want to do an art journal again, restart the creativity.

In other news B and I are stopping our subscriptions to Warcraft. Honestly I know at times I'll find it tough BUT I really want to concentrate on scrapbooking. I love creating things, and getting published. Also I really think its eaten into my photography time, I really want to get out and get some photography done, and start interacting with real people not just online peeps ;) The biggest problem with WoW endgame is that I don't want to spend 5 hours in an instance 'raiding' for the CHANCE of getting some gear. The only other option is rerolling another character and honestly I'm bored of it. Maybe in 3 - 6 months I'll get a gamecard and play a little, or when the expansion comes out, but for now I'd rather scrapbook.

Oh I got my prize today from creatingwithpaper from the Jan contest, its a pack of MM washer words "journey" :) its a small prize but heck ITS MINE! and hey who doesn't love new embellishments?

Finished + competitions

Saturday, March 4, 2006

Red Hat Society paper bag book is finished! Put it up on Ebay this afternoon. This one came together quite quickly which was good :)
This afternoon I started on my first premade page. Decided to start with Easter. So far I am liking how its turning out. I have the basic layout done, just tweaking some things, and figuring out what to put on page 2 border. Weird for me doing Easter things as we don't celebrate Easter, its more of a child oriented holiday and having no kids its not something we 'do'. Anyway I am loving working with pastel colors on this layout.

Ok in other news I was a finalist in SusansScrapbookShack February theme layout competition. Didn't win but got through to finalists which was ok. The layout isn't my usual style, I'm trying to get outside my comfort zone with the competitions. And SHOCK it features photographs of ME!
Patterned paper: christina cole; made the arrows and title myself

Currently working on...

Friday, March 3, 2006

...paper bag books. Current book is a "red hat society" book. I'm enjoying getting back into creating these! Happy with the way its turning out. Bob came home sick today (and I thought we were both getting better - I feel great today!), so I'm having to create quietly. Which means no sewing machine, so I'm peicing it all together then I'll sew in one batch. I tell ya, its easier having the sewing machine set up now on my rolling trolley! Just switch over and its done.
I went to Treasured Memories today (not so local scrap store) as their website claims they have the new basic grey! But they haven't! Grrrrr. Not nice driving all that way IN THE RAIN and stupid drivers who were apparantly out to kill me! I did get some new papers from "Paper Loft" and the new 2ofakind line by Kelly Panicci. I've had the unique line for a while (yeah its one of those 'get round to it' layouts in my head) and the 2ofakind papers and stickers are gonna be great for a book I plan on doing about Bob and I, and our quirks. Now I just have to decide on a size!
Oh also I now have decent photo printer paper! Yay! At office depot last week they had their own brand photo paper on offer buy 1 get 2 free! Well not one to pass it up I got some, took it home and tried it. It seemed ok, for the money, y'know, then I caught the print and it PEELED OFF! WTH? So I tried different settings, leaving it overnight (and then 2 nights) and it still scratched off. So I took it all back, and got canon paper, which prints beautifully :) Just in time to make 2 layouts (for the dogs albums) which I entered into a competition.

Inspire me Thursday!

Thursday, March 2, 2006

Found a new site today: Inspire Me Thursday
totally inspired to start my art journal again! I have some things I have to create today but my main priority is household chores :( I feel much better today y'see so I gotta get back on track with all the cleaning. Hey I'm feeling better! Yay!


Wednesday, March 1, 2006

I spent a little time today sorting out some paper bag book kits. I love making these books and the kits have been selling well on ebay, and heck it gives me some extra $$. If you want to take a look go the the links to the right ----->
My priority mail boxes arrived today, so I can start making some page kits too! Y'know in my "spare" time! lol!

Other than that I am getting a little better, B was off Monday and Tuesday with a bug and I got it :( Naturally I cussed him out for sharing ;) All I did this morning was take a shower and do some online work, looking at upcoming submission calls and contests. I did manage to walk the dogs this afternoon! They are still climbing the walls cos I won't let them in the back yard till its dried out more. I just know that Sky will be out trouncing around in the mushiest mud she could find then dragging it all round the house! Until it dries its the side yard or inside.