Scrapstreet December

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Scrapstreet December Ezine was packed full of inspiration and eye candy as usual! I had a couple of things in this issue! Firstly a layout I am very proud of "the littlest reindeer". Not only a published layout BUT it's using "let it snow" my digital kit! A double toot! Just love this photo of Sky in her antlers. The photo has a photoshopped background so it ties in better with the kit. I love my little Sky, so cute! I got the dogs some better antlers this year! Naturally they were over the moon!

"Christmas" is a layout done with the free digital kit in this months ezine called Craft Christmas. One thing I love about Scrapstreet is not only do they do a free ezine every month but they give you a free kit too! It doesn't get much better than that! This layout features me and Bob and our search for a semi decent Xmas card photo. These were taken in 2001, the first year we started living in the USA. Bob has lost a TON of weight since this photo, I'm so proud of him!

One Heart.... One Mind

I finished up my DT finalist entry for One Heart... One Mind. It was tough because I so want to be on this team, such great products! I sent them 7 cards and a layout, and I still have lots of product to work with which I will put to use very soon. They were extremely generous with the amount of product they sent, and I am so thankful to have had the opportunity to try out for such a great manufacturer! Fingers crossed they liked my projects. Either way I am honored to have made it to the finalists, and with such a talented group of women! Good luck ladies!

Card Sketch Dec #4

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

This weeks card sketch gets a little different, lots of possibilities with this one! The flower is just an accent, switch it up, change it out and do something different! A sketch should just be the starting point! No need to follow it exactly!
Ignore the wonky stamping on my card! Totally not digging non-clear stamps anymore! Spoiled now with Autumn leaves ones! Papers and flower from the Crafty Keepsakes December kit!

As usual my Mum made a card based on the sketch. I think she did a good job.
Card by Linda Flinders

Lots of things happening right now! I got my One Heart One Mind DT finalist goodies today and WOW TONS of product! Naturally I dove right in, made 2 cards already both of which I LOVE! I've got deadlines coming up, and LOTS of them! So busy, busy, busy, scrapping. Always good to be busy though!
Gonna take a day or two off, get caught up on some stuff. Will update over the weekend!

Crafty Keepsakes kit - No Limits!

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

That's the name of the new kit from Crafty Keepsakes. I got mine today. Loving it! Sneak preview : 3 bugs "Maverick" papers with Piggy Tales "little boy blue". Just love the combo! With some yummy Heidi Swap goodies, and the ribbon? Wow! its to DIE FOR! Really!
My last post about change and the kit being called "no limits" has me thinking. Change is coming, I feel it. Not just in my creative life but personal life. I am changing. So much has happened this past year I think its inevitable that change is coming. Each New Year approaches and I start to think about goals for the upcoming year. What do I want to acheive? I've been working lately at expanding my style, not changing it but growing, again its changing. I've been working with some older 3 bugs stuff and I am LOVING the projects I have created. I know that I need to create more for me but also I need to think outside the scrapbook page. I've done 2 altered projects and LOVE them, I mean really LOVE them. Its been so refreshing to get out of that 12x12 page for a change. It's been a while, too long! I'm at a planning stage in my "change". Anyone that knows me knows I am a big planner, and list maker. One more week till the New Year! One more week! I need to plan, organise, get on "my mission". I need to refocus, something I've known and felt for a while but I really do need this for 2007.

Yep lots of changes coming!

Sunday Scribblings #39 - change

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Change. I love it. It promotes growth, whether the change is good or bad we struggle through it and learn, and hopefully in the end we come out of it a better person. 2006 has been a year of change for me. Not just creatively but personally, emotionally and physically. I remember sitting down at the end of 2005 and writing down my goals for the upcoming year. What did I want to change? How was that going to happen? What steps could *I* take to help that? The biggest goals I had for this year were to get published again, get on a design team (or at least a guest spot) and ultimately get published in Simple Scrapbooks. I set small goals to help me along the way. Such as challenging myself creatively, take more photo's, and creating more.
I acheived ALL my goals by May 2006. I think this was a combination of my small steps and a quote by Ghandi:
"Be the change you want to see in the world"
I wanted things to change so I made them happen by changing my attitude. I set the bar and did everything *I* could to get me there. I have been very blessed in 2006 with publications, design teams and crafting in general but there are still lots of things I want to do. Lots of things I want to try. Everything I set out to do for 2006 left me with more things, more options, more directions to go. I'm still working out what I want for 2007... this year has been so great that if 2007 is half as good I'll be happy!

Catching up

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Whenever Bob is off from work I lose track. This week has been a great example of that! But I am steadily catching up today! If you're expecting emails, letters, RAKS, or anything of that nature they should all have been sent today! So keep a look out! Some are LONG overdue... but better late than never! So what am I up to lately? DT projects for January mostly:
  • Treasures to scrap sponsor is cosmo cricket we have the whole winter line (YUMMY); Plus we have 2 digital sponsors for Jan so busy busy with some digital goodies!
  • Crafty Keepsakes January Kit featuring 3 bugs and piggy tales, loving this one! Its called "No limits" and ROCKS!
  • Scrapstreet February digital kit was released to the team and its gorgeous! Loving the colors!
  • Imagine Create Scrap - working on digital kits and stuff. I have so much I want to do with this!
  • Memories From Scrap, just finished up the digital freebie kit for them. It'll be available in January so look for it on the blog first week of Jan!
In other news I have 2 cards picked up by Scrapstreet Jan ezine, plus a mini album and ATCs picked up by Ready Set Create Feb/March issue. Working on stuff for paper publications as always!

More good news! I am working with Boxer Scrapbooks as I am one of their DT finalists! Very exciting, and so happy and honored to have gotten this far! Got my Boxer challenge box this morning so looking forward to playing with that this weekend! Three projects to do for them, and loving the theme!

Plus I am a DT finalist for One Heart One Mind! I am so happy to be included with a GREAT bunch of scrappers! Can't wait to receive the kit for this one!

So yep I am BUSY right now, which is GREAT! On another note I wanted to thank Inkadinkadoo! I bought some Daisy Hill clear on clear alpha stamps and the package I got I had an awful time getting the stamps off the backing sheet. I actually TORE one of the letters trying to get them off the sheet. Sent them a letter asking advice and they sent me a new set! Just opened it up and they are AWESOME! Perfect! Great customer service! Thanks Inkadinkadoo!

And as it is Christmas-Eve-Eve I wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Easy Digital Pages

Friday, December 22, 2006

Article for the December Newsletter @ Crafty Keepsakes

Easy Digital Pages!

Its true EVERYONE can do digital! With what is called a "quickpage" digital pages can be completed in three easy steps! I created a quickpage for the newsletter using the crafty keepsakes digital kit, but they are available for download on many websites. Some kits come with quickpages, and some are offered on blogs as freebies so keep a look out for them! Most quickpages will be either a .jpg or .png depending on whether or not the page has elements that overlap the photo. The one I chose has overlapping photo anchors and ribbons. Because I made this quickpage 8" x 8" a standard 6x4 photo should fit great!

Step 1 - download the quickpage and open the page in the software program of your choice!
Step 2 - add your photo. The photo should be on a separate layer to the quickpage, just drag the photo layer underneath the quickpage so the ribbons and photo anchors appear on top of the photo. This is done in the layers 'window' which should be open in your program. Just click + hold on the photo layer and drag under the quickpage layer.
Step 3 - add a title, journalling, or quote! and you're finished! Alternatively you can print it out as an 8x8 page and handjournal, and add traditional scrapbook embellishments!

Quickpages are a great option for beginners to digital scrapbooking as they help you get used to layers, adding text, and using the basics of your program. Remember that these quickpages come in a variety of sizes, and even cards! Think of the possibilities!

The quickpage featured in this article is available for download here:


Misty Cato - review

Thursday, December 21, 2006

This months digital sponsor at Treasures to scrap is Misty Cato

Misty does awesome kits and hosts a monthly template challenge at treasures to scrap. Misty was an awesome sponsor and generously allowed us to pick 2 kits to use for this month! I chose the "paper flowers" kit and "Color Burst". Of the two Paper flowers was my favorite. It reminds me a little of Chloes Closet papers, but Misty adds a little touch of whimsy and fun to her kit. Loved the soft greens and pinks, makes the kit very versatile! Here are 3 layouts I did with the kit, I included "family to treasure" from Nov pagemaps newsletter as I used Misty's kit for it. This kit works very well with vintage black and white or sepia photo's!

The other kit I chose was "Color Burst". I like to go for opposites or something I wouldn't normally choose to push me as a designer. At first I was unsure cos it really is a colorful kit, but I remembered I had some colorful photo's! These first two were taken at Knottsberry Farm, feista town. The bright colors in this kit really went well with the photo's!

The last layout is using Mistys November template for treasures to scrap. The colors went well with the photo's Clare took of me at the Relay for Life walk.

Thoroughly enjoyed using Mistys kits! Her kits are just awesome, and there is something for everyone including vintage, retro and fun. Come take part in her December template challenge! She offers a kit sampler for completing the template challenge so not only do you get an awesome template, if you do a layout with it you get a freebie! Win - Win situation!
Thanks for being a great sponsor Misty!

Bike lesson #1

Ok some of you know that for my birthday/christmas and just for the general fun of it Bob got me a dirtbike. We had been looking for a few weeks and finally found one last Wednesday. I have a Yamaha TTR 125e. Well I also had stitched in my head (eyebrow) so I couldn't get my helmet on so we couldn't go riding... till now! Bob and I went out to Rowher Flats yesterday. We went a little before lunch, so it was nice and warm still (unlike the morning which was frosty!). I should add here that I can't ride a bike! So the first lesson began in the parking lot! I seemed to be getting the hang of it enough for Bob to suggest going out on a little trail run. We reached an open area to hang out, take a break and chat (more lessons) and Bob took some pics. I have ALL my gear EXCEPT boots, they should arrive sometime soon.

This is one I took of Bob, I think he's telling me how well I did?
And I had to include this one! This is where I fell off in the parking lot on lesson #1, neutral, first gear and stopping. Got semi comfortable, started to get some speed up and kinda forgot to turn... then promptly forgot everything I should do, and did everything Bob had told me NOT to do... and ate dirt! Have to say my elbow and knee pads saved my ass here! I think you can see the indents in the floor from them! Plus my handguards on the bike got scuffed. But hey my first fall, and I got right back on the bike again! Go me!
I ache a little today, hips, pectorals and arms but I really enjoyed it. Need to practice my gears and finding neutral. Bob is going out again Saturday with Brett one of his biking buddies. I'm sitting that one out so Bob can go tear-arsing around with Brett without worrying about me lagging behind. Hopefully we'll go again next week (and hopefully my boots will arrive by then!). On the upside look at the awesome pics I have to scrap! We should be getting a new little camera this week too, pocket sized so its easier to carry.

Card Sketch Dec #3

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Ok here is the sketch for this week! Its based on an anniversary card I made back in September. (see below)

Above: this card is made using paper from the crafty keepsakes December Kit. I just added ink, stamping and a prima flower. Love the papers being two sided, makes finding matching cardstock a breeze! Below: the anniversary card the sketch is based on. DCWV card, again inking, and flower. Instead of brads I used the negative space from a hole punch.

This is a card my Mum made! She is getting better and better! Love the papers and colors!
Card by Linda Flinders

Another year goes by...

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

and I am now another year older! I was 35 on the 16th December so that's why I haven't been around. I got a few cards (mostly with Dalmatians on) and some money. Bob bought me some great gifts. I got a CD visor for the new car, the color matches the interior perfectly. He bought me "The Smiths" a book about their songs, love the smiths. And.... I am now the proud owner of a graphics tablet! Whoohoo! Had a little play on Saturday but we've been busy since then. I need to sit down with it at some point and have a proper play. We've been out shopping everyday since Bob broke up for the holidays, mostly looking for bike gear for me. I don't think I mentioned that I also got a dirt bike this week? A yamaha TTR 125e, its a lovely blue and I wanted gear to match so we've been on the lookout for stuff. Of course I can't actually RIDE it yet, as I can't get my helmet on due to the stitches in my head, which should come out today, I'll update again later.

The weather here in So Cal has gone chilly! We brought out the Ski jackets, and hats/gloves to walk the dogs. Sky is shivering more, must get round to sewing her a jacket, she's always felt the cold more than River.

Be back later with more of an update and then hopefully back on track with my blog :) I've missed it..

Sunday Scribblings #38 - Anticipation


As soon as I hit send it's gone
but I know I cannot forget.
Its part of who I am to stew
pondering a question or two.
Will they pick me?
Will I make the team?
Did I send the best projects?
Why didn't I make more for the call?
Everytime it's the same.
Everytime I sit and stew.
The calls go out
the anticipation grows
will I be one of the chosen few?
I press F5, refresh, send and recieve
check the emails again and again
nothing, nothing, sometimes nothing
occasionally the "thanks but no thanks" email
anticipation over, another round begins.
but then some days, there it is,
that happy email arrives in my inbox.
I break out into a huge grin!
Anticipation over.
Another round begins...

Transparant Touches & Tags Review

Friday, December 15, 2006

This months sponsors at Treasures to Scrap is Transparant Touches & Tags. We were given some awesome transparancies to work with! I have only used transparancies a few times since I started scrapbooking so I welceomed this opportunity to really see what all the fuss was about!

The first layout I did "Cousins" is me and Simon as kids sitting on my grandparents lawn. As soon as I saw the theme of this transparany I knew this was the photo for the layout! Took me a while to find it, and scan it in, but I got it! I love the 8.5" x 11" transparancy! So versatile! I did think about cutting it up, but in the end decided to use it as it and plan my layout around it. The work was almost done for me. Once I knew the products I wanted next came the question of how to adhere it to the layout? I chose brads and staples. There is also some glue dots behind the buttons. For me staples are quick and easy and add a little touch to the page. There are lots of ways to adhere them to a page though, you could also sew them on or use adhesive in unoticable places, behind text for example!
Supplies:- Cardstock: DCWV; PP: autumn leaves; transparancy: TTT; brads: MM; buttons: target;

The second layout I did for this months sponsor is "Precious". For this one I cut the title out of the sheet. I knew the photo I wanted to use, decided on the papers and just went with it. Totally different to my usual style but I like it! I inked, added ribbon, more staples, journalling, clips, but it was missing something. Then I got out an oversize flower, folded it in half and added that - it now looks complete! I had to dye the flower though using walnut ink spray, and added some gold ink to tie it into the papers. Like I said different for me, but I like it!
Supplies:- Cardstock: DCWV; PP, ribbon, vellum: Boxer; Title: TTT; clips, charm, roll on transfers: around the block; brads: doodlebug; pen: zig millenium; ink: tim holtz; Flower: heidi swapp;

Thoroughly enjoyed this months sponsor product from TTT! Great product and really affordable too! Check them out! I'll definately be doing more work with transparancies, this month has shown me how versatile they can be and how easily they can transform a page! Thanks TTT!


Thursday, December 14, 2006

I'm one of the new Memory Gardeners at Imagine, Create, Scrap! Robin, Nancy and I all on the same team! Whoohoo! Go girls! What makes this special for me? Well apart from working with my buddies, I applied and got the position of Digi Designer! Yep somewhere for me to sell my digi kits! I'm stoked, honored and so excited! So I'll be unvieling the newest kit "Vintage Christmas" as my first kit there. Can't wait to get started! Thanks Kimber, Sandi and the rest of the 2007 team! I look forward to working with you all!

Card Sketch Dec #2

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

The sketch for this week is all about layers. Lots of ways to layer. Couple of examples in the cards below too! This one has a lot of room for personal choices! It could be Birthday or Thanks (or other sentiment) as below OR you could use the recipients name.

Supplies: MM rubons; DCWV cardstock & PP;

This is a card my Mum did for this sketch. Love how she used a paper crimper for her background!
Card by Linda Flinders

Crafty Keepsakes - December Kit!

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Enchanted Memories is the name of this months kit! Its packed with My Minds Eye & Fancy pants papers, and some co-ordinating embellishments! Its awesome!
The December kit includes:
5 MME Bohemia Papers
3 Fancy Pants Fancy Free Collection Papers
15 Bazzill Brown Mini Brads
10 Queen and Co. mini brads
12 Bazzill Buttons
6 Bazzill mini blossoms
1 MME Bohemia Alpha Rub-ons
4 Maya Road Photo Corners
1 Basic Grey Word Rub-ons
1 DCWV Page Tabs
2 Basic Grey Undressed Chipboard Tags
2 DCWV Matchbook Cards with Envelopes
4 Ribbons 1 Yard Each
2 Bazzill Really Big Brads: Kisses
1 Bohemia Bling in Blue
1 Bazzill Ribbon Slide Brad

Here is a couple of projects I made with the kit so far! Still working on more! Totally loving this kit! Lots of yummy goodies!

The Heidi Swapp Icee Ghost alphas aren't in the main kit, they are from one of the mini kits. I thought they went really well with the My Minds Eye papers! For more projects from the whole Crafty Keepsakes design team go to the December kit gallery.

Do you want to be Crafty Keepsakes January Guest Designer?
As a Guest Designer you will be working with the DT, Forum Director and Owner for the whole month. Your work will appear in the Crafty Keepsakes Newsletter as well as the website.

If chosen your responsibilities will include:
  • Create two items using the mini kit. Your work has to be 1 layout and the other can be a card, altered item or another layout.
  • Create a challenge for the forum
  • Participating in the newsletter
  • Actively participating in the message board
  • Leaving praise in the gallery

What you get as GDT – "the perks":
  • You will get Crafty Keepsakes Mini Kit for FREE
  • You will vote in selecting contest winners and help select the next GDT
  • Receive a 15% discount in your orders during your month
  • Your very own GDT Blinkie (made by our wonderful DT- Di )
To Apply:
The challenge for the GDT spot is to make an ornament or gift for a neighbor, friend, or family.
The ornament or gift has to be created for this challenge and not uploaded to another site until the GDT position has been announced.
We would like to see you use past kits, but it isn't a requirement
One entry per person
Upload your project no later than Dec 15th 11:59pm EST.
Any entries posted after that will not be accepted!
The DT, Forum Director and Owner will select a winner based on creativity and requirements
The announcement will be made on Dec 17th.

Sunday Scribblings: #37 Punishment and Reward

Monday, December 11, 2006

I'm a little (ok a LOT) behind on the Sunday Scribblings but I now have a list of what to do with the blog and on what days so this is helping me keep track and actually DO these challenges! Yesterdays prompt was "punishment and reward" which conjured up many images for me but this one I think speaks to many crafters!

Punishment & Reward
I am a woman, and I hate housework! There I said it! Now don't get me wrong sometimes it can be quite theraputic if I'm pissed off with something or someone, and need to work through the anger. In general though it bores the pants off me! To help with the mundane chores, earlier this year I devised a reward program for myself. "Paying" myself for chores done and for completing my list for the day/week. It worked great! For a while... You see the problem lay in the fact that initially the money I was earning was money I'd put to scrapbooking supplies. Then I got a design team, and another, and some guest spots. Now I have enough supplies right now! I'm more picky in the supplies I choose to buy. Therefore I don't NEED the reward so the punishment doesn't get done! Which in turn punishes me even further cos the messier the house is the more it stunts my creativity! Its a vicious circle! I think the reward system is something I definately need to revisit! My house was cleaner, my creativity level higher and I got the bonus of spending money on things I wanted! Its all to do with 2007 lately! Needing to plan for the New Year! I remember I had small incentives for creating too! Definately made me WANT to create more!
Punishment & Reward: it worked! I stopped! I need to start again! I have other things I can spend the money on besides scrapbooking. I need new clothes, new shoes, new everything really! I need a bigger plan! How many hours do we get in a day again? Mostly I need to feel better about myself which I did when I had this system in place!

Thanks for the reminder! I'll work on implementing this again in the New Year!

Bloggerversary RAK WINNER!

Loved all the comments! I can relate to so many of them you listed but a few of the goals stood out more than others though:

  • Scrap more of the little moments
  • continue to have the passion to scrap
  • more paper publications (I can SO relate to this one!)
  • putting layouts into Albums (yep I have a pile on my scanner too!)
  • starting early on Christmas cards/gifts! (yep me too!)
  • meet online friends face to face
so very true! Loved them all!

And the RAK winner is.....


email or pm me your address! I'll get a RAK off to ya soon!

Happy Blog day to me!

Saturday, December 9, 2006

Its one year to the day since I began this blog! Who knew I'd keep it going? So much has changed since I started this blog too! I mean...
  • I am on 4 Design Teams
  • been on a few GDT
  • been published multiple times
  • hit my all time goal of being published in Simple Scrapbooks
  • Written articles for newsletters and the blog
  • done product reviews on the blog and my DT sites
  • Sketches for cards, layouts and newsletters
  • and I have my own digital kits available for sale!
2006 has been a WILD ride for me!
Its time to start planning for 2007! Afterall it is only 3 weeks away!

So it's RAK time! Leave a comment with your goals for 2007 and I will draw a name out the hat on Monday, the winner will get a RAK from me.

Pagemaps - Cardmaps!

Friday, December 8, 2006

Its that time of year! As you know if you've been reading my blog I've been making holiday cards all through November! Now whilst I can't share many of them yet, I can now share some...

This card is based on a sketch by Becky Fleck for the pagemaps December newsletter. I made this one for my Mum and Dad. Great sketch Becky! Pagemaps is a great site for layout and card sketches, check it out!
Supplies: cardstock - DCWV; pp + rubons- cosmo cricket; die cut - sizzix; ribbon - offray;

Holiday cardmaking on a budget!

My article for the December Newlsetter @ Treasures To Scrap!

Holiday Cardmaking

Ever since I began scrapbooking I've used my scrapbook supplies for making cards for all occassions. Its seems only natural when I have these things in my stash, and it saves $$ spent on store bought cards! Now, I like all the new scrapbook products as much as the next person, but making 50+ cards for the holidays can get expensive, and honestly I prefer I to save the "good stuff" for my layouts. So I'm sharing some of my frugal holiday cardmaking tips!

After Christmas all the stores put the wrapping supplies on sale! No its not going to help NOW but think on for next year! This is a great time to stock up. Not only for wrapping next years presents but also for making next years cards. I'm talking about the packages of gift tags! Usually in packages of 12. They have regular square fold opening, circles, metal rimmed, embossed, and so much more! Just think of all those card accents for next year! You can use your favorite holiday patterned paper and just add a gift tag!

I made this card with a regular store bought gift tag that has an epoxy style embellishment, it even still opens! I added some ribbon, double mounted it on co-ordinating cardstock, added a rub-on sentiment then mounted it onto the card and some color co-ordinating patterned paper and called it done. But you could make it much more... The tags I bought in the post holiday sales, and they cost about 7 cents each! This gives me more money to spend on the rub-ons and new patterned papers!

So after Christmas remember to look for those bargains in the gift wrapping section! Remember this isn't limited to gift tags! Envelope seals work well too as main accents. Gift wrap can be used instead of patterned paper. The metallic ribbon used to wrap gifts can be used in place of regular ribbon. The gift boxes could be used in a die cut machine for thicker chipboard style accents. The possiblities are endless!

Supplies: DCWV pp + cardstock; Offray ribbon; tag from target; scrapease rubon;

Card Sketch Dec #1

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

This weeks card sketch is based on my first card I got published. Summer 2005 CorrespondenceART. I did another card too for this sketch without a charm, instead I just punched a circle from patterned paper.

Supplies: Patterned Paper - DCWV; Ribbon - offray; charm - target

Supplies: Cardstock - DCWV; patterned paper - DCWV + My Minds Eye; ribbon - offray;

This sketch is posted on Crafty Keepsakes as part of the weekly challenges but if you want to join in just hook me up with a link in the comments!

This is a card my Mum made

Card by Linda Flinders


Monday, December 4, 2006

I am working on lots of projects right now, busy busy!!! Finally got all my christmas cards done and sent! Got a DT package today from Crafty Keepsakes so diving into that later. Working on digital stuff too. Need to get my vintage christmas kit for sale somewhere, working on that also *wink*. Lots of ideas in my head right now that I need to get down on paper before I forget. I also started posting more at digishoptalk, hopefully building my digi gallery there, and getting more active!

I really can't beleive that in 2 weeks I'll be 35! And in 3 weeks it's Christmas day! Holy Cow! This year has FLOWN by, it really has. It doesn't seem 2 minutes since it was September.

Completed yesterday: one digital layout
working on: digital layout and DT stuff

Ready Set Create! Oct/Nov Edition

Sunday, December 3, 2006

Here are my projects from October/November Ready Set Create! Firstly three cards using MME Kaleidoscope papers. These show some versatility using the same papers for three different cards.

Card above using basic grey "color me silly" papers; Queen and co flowers. The "Blue eyed babe" layout below is one I did a few months ago. Featuring Chatterbox papers; DCWV alpha stickers and cardstock, and white sharpie.
Great mag with lots of eye candy, informative articles and sketches! I just got the Dec/Jan edition, I have a few projects in there too!

projects completed yesterday: nothing!
projects completed today: digital layout
Working on: sketches, submissions and DT stuff.

November Round Up!

Friday, December 1, 2006

Well usually I post projects from Crafty Keepsakes kits on Monday but there was a little delay so gonna post my round up instead!

What books and/or magazines did I read this month?
"Big Picture" scrapbooking again and some scrap mags.

What movies and/or tv shows did I watch this month?
TV: House; Greys Anatomy; Medium; Torchworkk; QI; Supernatural
Movies: James Bond Casino Royale; Pirates of the Caribbean dead mans chest.

What special days did I celebrate and how?
Thanksgiving with Bob, and our friend Greg.

What Illnesses or health concerns did I have?
The ear biopsy results came back benign! But I have dermatitis so I have to go in for a consult about that.

What fun things did I do with my friends and/or family?
Meal with my friend Tricia

What new foods, recipes or restaurants did I try this month?
"Alexi's" greek place with Tricia; Vegan yorkshire pudding with the Thanksgiving meal; Totally want to get back into cooking! Each time I make a big meal like thanksgiving/xmas I get the bug. I made a sponge cake in November for the first time in AGES, nice too! I need to learn how to cook for two! Tried the tofu scramble packet mix, it was pretty good!

What special or unusual purchases did I make?
Autumn leaves stamps and calendar; Bob his truck; I got a bike helmet!

What were this months dissapointments?
Not getting a DT I applied for that I wanted.

What were my accomplishments this month?
Ready Set Create picked up a ton of projects, Digital kits being sold in scrapstreet store; Scrapstreet picked up a digital layut for Dec ezine that I made with my own digital kit!

Anything else noteworthy to record?
I made 4 digital kits this month! Gave 2 away as freebies! We donated some stuff to charity. I made a ton of card and layout sketches!

Completed yesterday: 2 christmas cards (all done!!!), 1 digital layout
working on: cards and card sketches

Scrapstreet November

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Scrapstreets November ezine was released earlier this month, in which I have the two layouts below! "Fire Season" made for the digital design teams "pixel place". Assingment was fall layouts. You can download the free Embrace digital kit in the magazine here.
My second layout "Down on the Farm" was for the multiple photo article. There are 15 photos on this 2 page layout. Supplies: DCWV cardstock and patterned paper.
Another great issue! check it out!

projects completed yesterday: lots of christmas cards!
working on: 2 more christmas cards, digital layouts

Card Sketch Nov #5

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

I love making cards! Each week I share a sketch, and a sample (or two!). Remember as always, link me up through the comments or email if you do a card! I'd love to see them!
My card: Patterned paper - basic grey; cardstock - DCWV; ribbon - offray; brads - Joanns; rub-on - scrapease; I used a small flower punch to punch flowers out of the patterned paper.

This card is one my Mother did based on the above sketch! Love how she took the stars out the pp as her 3 accents in the top right! Great job Mum! I think this one is your best yet!
Card by Linda Flinders (hi Mom!)