Page Maps toot!

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Been holding this in for a few weeks! Becky Fleck from pagemaps asked me to do two layouts for her November Newsletter! I decided on digital for this set as its just what was working for me at that moment. Love Beckys sketches! Layouts: Family to treasure - using kit by Misty Cato; Love that face - using kit by Lori Barnhurst.

feeling slightly better

Monday, October 30, 2006

the chills/fever are going... still sore throat, voice is dodgy, and starting with a cough. Lovely! We missed Andrew and Lena's wedding yesterday, just didn't want to make them sick for their honeymoon and frankly I just lay under a blanket most the afternoon/evening with my sweater on trying desperately to get warm! It was 80 degrees! Being sick sucks!
I have gotten 2 layouts done... so wanted to get stuck in but just feeling blah... I got a card made today and got a new header and blinkies done for Crafty Keepsakes. Feeling digi today. Probably cos its nearer the tissues!

sick sick sick

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Sick sick sick... Bob is off work sick. I'm now sick. Blah. Then today I had a dermatologist appointment. Wasn't expecting them to do anything today! Well I had a pre-cancerous lump frozen on the bridge of my nose, and my ear lobe slice and diced. If you've seem the photo blog you'd have seen this photo of my ear. In 2004 I had a huge lump on the lobe, which turned out to be a granuloma. Tests for sarcoidosis (negative) and well basically they hacked it. They made a mess. And to top that the damn lumpy ear grew back! Well the dermatologist today said he thinks its vascular, guess we'll see as he took a chunk of it out! Have gotta say it looks lots better! And its full of meds which discolor it. Yep it hurts a little now but it does look much better! Can't wait to see it in a couple of weeks! Should get the biopsy results in a couple of weeks. Will post some pics during the recouperation.
In other news I got a TON of work to do! Got a goodie box today from Treasures to Scrap! Sponsor goodies for the next 5 months :) brightened my day a little..

'Ere Ear!

So here they are... before and after photo's of the ear. Gotta say that it doesn't hurt that much! Nothing like the last time! And no woozy medication that makes me go all loopy! Bob took this one last night, just unwrapped it and applied the ointment. And here is the lump on the 6th of Oct. It was gradually getting bigger and bigger, and there was a feeling of pressure in it. It was totally growing back though! I looked at the original lump today and it was totally the same area! Guess fingers crossed this time!
I'll be getting Bob to take more pics as the days/weeks go on. I slept fairly well considering (2 beers last night helped!), but I like sleeping on my left so that was out last night! Unfortunately we have a wedding tomorrow! Both of us are stuffed up with colds, and I have this ear 'problem. Guess we'll see how we are tomorrow! I gotta go scrapbook! lots to do!

Been thinking about...

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

my scraproom, my studio, my spare room. Its my creative haven. I posted pics yesterday on the photo blog of my table and desk. I'm constantly amazed at how untidy this place gets! How can I possibly THINK about decorating or anything when its THIS messy! My biggest problem is color. How to make the colors all mesh. I picked Red as an accent color, as my embellishment units were Red, my sizzix is Red, and well because I like Red! Its all one sided though, I need more Red, maybe some Yellows, and Orange. I need color especially on the opposite side where i have my sofa and shelves. The sofa needs a throw and cushions. I am totally blaming BonnieRose for this need to get my studio together! Her blog photo's of her emerging studio have me yearning for color, decoration and order. I mean the weird thing is I'm not a girly girl, I don't like a lot of fancy schmancy, yet for in here I feel I NEED it. Is that weird or what? I'm also blaming the new car! Its red!
Yesterday I popped into "Big Lots" and I bought some MM embellishments. All on offer at $1!!! I got some packs of hinges, letterbox alphas, and all $1 a pack! I'll be going back again in the next week to see what else they have in! Anyway, I also bought some maroon oven gloves, and kitchen towels. Its fall, winter is coming, and I'm feeling a need to get all homely? It was kinda overcast and misty this morning, chilly too, maybe the weather?
I've also noticed something with my scrapping recently... I'm into altering lately. Something I go through phases of. I have 3 things right now I'm in process of altering! Crazy!


Tuesday, October 24, 2006

We had our first meeting today on marketing. I'm part of this group that Julie Ann is hosting, on marketing. This is an area I need HELP in. I can big up other people but self-promotion I just can't do! I hate to talk about myself, and my art. See that was tough there, putting me and art in the same sentance! I need to work on this bigtime!

Today I received Ali Edwards newsletter, from which the following jumped out:
Self-doubt is one of the biggest obstacles to creativity. It holds you back. It makes you question yourself and wonder that old "good enough" question. And this is before you even step foot into the comparative "she is better than me" dimension (she being anyone you compare yourself to).
This is the problem I have. I compare myself to other people! All the time! I need to get more comfortable being me. Being happy with what I create, and to stop comparing myself to others. If we all created or liked the same thing it would be a pretty boring place! I need to stop thinking that rejection of my work is personal because so often in this industry it's not! It is just hard when you put yourself "out there" for critique.

I'm finding lots of doors opening right now... which to walk into? How many can I open without creative burn out? Is it possible to do everything? How much can I handle?


Monday, October 23, 2006

Ok firstly sharing some creations! Did these yesterday as part of the Truth or Scare challenges at Treasures to scrap. Month long challenges! Lots of fun! First up is a layout "Relax" which is based on a sketch by Share, one of our awesome DT at Treasures. I used digital a lot yesterday. Been feeling the digi groove again! Used Saskia Bokkers: playful extras, cardstock is my own.
This digi card actually fits 3 challenges this month! Sponsor product, sketch and use a photo on a card! Again using the Saskia Bokkers kit and my own cardstock.
I spent some time this weekend getting ahead on projects. I need to settle down with my CK kit and crank out stuff for that. Lots of ideas right now. I'm also busy with digital kit creating! Who knew it was this addicting? Not me! I've found I definately have a tough time with girly colors, and fall themed stuff. Brighter the better is good for me, love some retro. I think that's why I loved Saskia's kit so much this month! Totally my style! Knowing this is half the battle! I've been trying to create stuff other people would like not what *I* would like! Doh! Definately gonna be rectifying this in the future! So yep lots happening!


Sunday, October 22, 2006

I'm not sure why but I never post any of the sketches I make! So I'm going to start! Today at Treasures to scrap we were challenged to create 3 sketches using our layouts as inspiration! I got right on this challenge! These sketches were taken from my layouts called: My man; carefree; summer fun; Totally into making sketches lately! Been on a card sketch run. Watch out for more sketches coming soon!

I made a label for sketches so if you want to just search for certain things (ie: sketches) click on the label side colum, click sketches and all the posts labeled sketches should pop up :) Ain't blogger grand!

Addicted to Digital! - review

Saturday, October 21, 2006

This months digital sponsor at Treasures to Scrap is Addicted to Digital. They have awesome kits and digital designers there! We got to choose one kit and one 'extra'. So much to choose from! I LOVED Saskia Bokkers kits though! Totally fun! I chose the "playful extras" just a little mini kit with a few papers and accents. Loved Saskia's stuff! Especially the playful little tags! Too cute!
The main kit I chose was "Seattle" by Sarah Jones. Great coffee hues with blues and just fun papers! Love the alpha font too! Perfect for my Seattle photos! Don't you love the blue herringbone paper! Some fun accents too with the envelope ties!
Great products and super fun! Loved that all the designers came over to check out the gallery too! The best news is that Friday many of the designers from addicted to digital will be coming over to Treasures to Scrap for a chat! With sketches, challenges and prizes! Make a note: Friday 27th October at 10.30 Est (7.30 Pst) hope to see you all there!

I got tagged

Friday, October 20, 2006

I was tagged by Didi yesterday but I'd alreadly blogged so doing this today instead :) FIVE random things related to the number 5 and 5 weird things about me!
Random 5 things:
  1. I am on 5 Design Teams now. Crafty Keepsakes, ScrapStreet, Scrappy Chick, and Treasures to Scrap (x2 cos digital + paper teams!).
  2. 5 letters in my name! Diane!
  3. I currently have 5 RAKs to send out, 2 are ready to mail (must get them in the mailbox today!); 1 is labeled just needs assembling; 1 needs labelling; and 1 is sitting on the floor unpackaged!
  4. I currently have 5 different adhesives out on my scraptable: 2 tape runners (removable and permanent); glue stick' double sided tape and a glue pen.
  5. fingers and toes on each hand ;) ... what? I couldn't think of anything else!
Weird things about me:
  1. Just 5? Hmmm what to pick? Well I am always getting my words the wrong way round. Quite hilarious at times!
  2. I eat the same thing for breakfast every day: Flax flakes, with dried cranberries, chopped walnuts and soy milk... YUM!
  3. I hate wearing the color pink, I don't own one peice of pink clothing yet with scrapbooking supplies I don't seem to care! I got plenty of pink stuff!
  4. I'm a compulsive list-maker! I like to have everything planned out.
  5. I love watching "funniest animals" and the "funny home video's". I just can't not laugh!

5 people I tag to do this:
  1. Lucy - Crafty Keepsakes Forum Godess!
  2. Rebecca - One of the new DT members for Crafty Keepsakes
  3. Terry Treasures to Scrap DT!
  4. Breanna - Treasures to Scrap DT and currently sick with Strep :(
  5. You! The blog lurker! You know who you are!

Blog challenge

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Last night we chatted with Barb Hogan at Crafty Keepsakes! Great chat! Barb is the DT leader/co-ordinator for Imagination Project (and on a few other teams too!). Such a packed resume! Anyway we were all chatting last night, and as usual when we get chatting the topic goes off on a tangent which resulted in todays challenge! Wedding photo's! I have yet to scrap my wedding photo's. Mostly because I'm afraid I won't do them justice. They aren't beautiful by any means but they are unusual ;) We got married in a hot air balloon, over Las Vegas. This is us in the balloon, with the preacher, and the pilot. That small basket fit 6 people in it! You don't see the photographer and videographer!
And this one is us, up, up and away! Just after the "man and wife" part. Yep it was beautiful! Loved it and would definately do it again (the balloon part not the wedding!). At least I could be a bit more comfortable and not in a dress! So there you have it, a couple of our wedding pics. I really should get the photo album out and scan them into the computer as a back up (we have negatives don't panic!). Plus I always scrap with copies rather than originals. Who knows, one day you may see them on a scrapbook page! Enjoy!

Inspiration strikes at the strangest times!!!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

So I last posted 45 minutes ago! At the end of the post I was about to say something along the lines of "oh woe is me haven't created anything for a couple of days" no inspiration, lots to do, etc etc. Been feeling totally stuffed up today. Sore/swollen throat and extreme sinus headache (high winds here kicked up a LOT of dust!). So I figure "Di, go for a lie down". Off I go into the bedroom, lie down, toss, turn, massage head/eyes.... and .... BAM! - I suddenly get the perfect idea! A new technique! Which naturally I'm excited about as its perect for HOF assignment A!
Speaking of which I reread the rules today! and noticed this:
  • 3. Entries, including photographs, must be the sole work of the entrant. Layouts cannot currently be or have ever been posted in any online forum, submitted to Creating Keepsakes or any other magazine, created for a specific manufacturer, or entered into any other contest.
No biggie but this means I am starting from scratch again cos the 3 layouts that I haven't posted online I have submitted to magazines! So 10 new unseen projects by Feb 10th! Plus all the other DT work, christmas cards, and birthday cards! Yeah no problem!

Product review: Doodlebug!

The paper sponsor for October at Treasures to Scrap is Doodlebug! I love doodlebug products! When I was told about them sponsoring TTS this month I dug out these creations from my files. Made them last year, but they really don't date! If there is one thing about doodlebug I LOVE its their dog product line! Totally rocks! Love the whole line! I also got the cat line too! I've recently tried their rub-on alphas and they ROCK! Quality product! That's Doodlebug! Totally fun too! How can you not love these papers and stickers?

I'm Treasured !!!

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

So I've been on the design team at Treasures to Scrap since June, and I just renewed for another term :) ... with a little difference! I was initially digital and also 'back-up' paper team (to cover vacations etc). Well I am now on both permanently! yay! As much as I love digital it will never replace the paper layout for me! I just love feeling paper too much! So yep you'll be seeing more work from me from now on! Sadly this opportunity has arisen as a result of someone leaving our team :( Tammy: you'll be missed sweetheart!

on a creative note: projects to come tomorrow! I'm getting into sharing mode!

Yay! Crafty Keepsakes Second Term!

Monday, October 16, 2006

We had a great crop weekend at Crafty Keepsakes! Lots of challenges, competitions and RAKs! So much fun! I don't think I've chatted so much! Everyone had so much fun and got some GREAT layouts and cards done! Plus we got to meet some new faces! So hi to all of you who came for the crop! *waves* Of course the whole weekend came to a finale when Angela announced the new Crafty Keepsakes Design Team!
Angel Rodrigue
Diane Hickman
Jamie Cook
Rebecca Jones
Virgina Williams

Lucy Chesna will be our CK Challenge Director

YES! I get to stay for another Term! Thanks Angela! So happy my fellow team-mate Angel gets another term too! You rock Angel! Saying huge HELLO AND CONGRATS to Jamie, Rebecca and Virginia (Ginger)! Can't wait to get to know you all better! AND LUCY! My chatterbox, my evil tease queen, my partner in crime! Lucy gets the honor of being our challenge/competition director! And wow what a job she'll do! Looking forward to the next few months working with you all, and as always getting to inspire and challenge the members!

Coming in November!

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Will be my very first digital mini kit! Completely new to all this digital designing thing but it is terribly addicting! I made a little kit in honor of thanksgiving. The kit will be exclusive to Treausures to Scrap and my blog readers! I'll be putting a link up for the download during the first week of November. Hopefully this will be the start of a new venture for me. Offering mini-kit freebies every other month or so.
What am I working on now? - One more DT project for Treasures to Scrap (November); still working on Scrappychick assignments (winter); Challenges and crop stuff for Treasuresto scrap, Scrap that moment and Crafty Keepsakes; Lots of challenges and competitions going on this month! Lots to work on! I also have a secret project I'm working on which will be revealed in November ;)

In other news - I got a new car! I put a pic up on my photoblog - link in sidebar

Currently reading... CK November

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Creating Keepsakes November 2006. Don't you love the cover? I do! Totally my style! Clean lines, love me some clean lines! Anyway I'm devouring this issue today. Popped into Vons this morning and was actually looking for the New Simple Scrapbooks but alas its not out yet, so I got CK instead ;) Evertime I get a magazine or book about scrapbooking I get inspired! The colors in this one make me inspired to create a digital kit (I even got some paper out and sketched out some ideas!). Its not just the articles and layouts in the magazines though its the adverts, yes all the new yummy stuff coming out soon! Plus just the design of the magazine, the way titles are placed on a page, the typesetting, the contents pages... just little things. Its amazing how something can ignite that spark of creativity!
Of course the Hall of Fame contest rules are in this issue too! Am I entering? I *think* so! I said that about MMM earlier this year though. so yeah we'll see! 10 layouts! Tough!
I did like the articles in this edition of CK! Mini books! Photography! And as always loved the Ali column! Dang that woman inspires me! Of course I saw the ads for the Elsie book and HOF issue both of which I now want!
Totally inspiring issue, lots of eye candy and lots of things I want to run off and try in my scraproom! The mojo is flowing!!! I'm off to create!

More october Crafty Keepsakes!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

I truely love this kit! Love the papers and rub-ons! Just beautiful! This layout is Urban lily papers, doodlebug rub-on alphas (love those!) , chip chatter chipboard alphabets, queen & co flower + brad, and imagination project chipboard tag. The cardstock which isn't in the kit is DCWV. I recolored the chipboard alpha using a stamping marker pen, and added some color to one of the flowers and the alpha rub-ons. The layout is about my "Five minutes of Fame" singing LIVE karaoke with a LIVE band last year at Bobs works party.
Simple card. Getting into diagonal angles lately. You can't see the rub-on that clearly in the scan but it says Happy Birthday right in the middle of the brown paper. Imagination project paper from the Crafty Keepsakes october kit! The bosher is basic grey, and the ribbon is offray.
Still lots of stuff left from this kit! So more projects coming! Get your own Crafty Keepsakes kit - here! Don't forget that Craft Keepsakes is holding a 3 day crop this weekend! Challenges, RAKs, prizes and fun, fun, fun! I'll be kicking off the fun on Friday with a layout challenge! Plus the new Design Team will be announced on Sunday!

The ups and downs

Monday, October 9, 2006

Its one of those times again! The UP was yesterday when I got SEVEN projects (3 layouts 4 cards) picked up by Ready Set Create for the Dec/Jan edition! The DOWN was today when the Blue Media calls went out and I didn't get an email. In hindsight I now know why! They want unseen stuff and only one of my layouts was unseen! It didn't state unseen in the call but it was in the info buried in their blog. Ya live and learn! Plus either way my stuff wasn't what they were looking for. But it is what RSC were looking for! So yeah ups and downs.

Haven't taken a photo for the photo-a-day challenge yesterday or today (so far). I need a boost or something. I got my latest AEzine this morning and now I'm pumped to go through my photo's and organise! When I got my Lumix I stored my photo's in a new file chronologically and its not working. I need to group them by subject. Hopefully make that a goal this month.

Happy 40th Birthday Simon!

Saturday, October 7, 2006

This is for our friend Simon! Its his 40th tomorrow. Group of us went out for dinner last night to celebrate. Fun time! Have a great birthday Simon!Made with October kit from Crafty Keepsakes

Update Guess someone liked it a lot! Its gonna be published in Ready Set Create Dec/Jan edition! (along with a christmas card and skiing layout)!!!

Scrapstreet September

Wednesday, October 4, 2006

Ok nearly up to date on these. Here are projects I had in scrapstreets September Ezine. Firstly the digital design team layouts featuring the September freebie kit - college preppy. The assignment was to do a layout and recipe of our hubbys in the kitchen. Well Bob doesn't cook and his favorite recipes well they aren't everyones tastes!
This card was for grandparents day, which was September 10th. I sent this one to my Gran, hope she enjoyed it!
This layout was an oldie but goodie! Love this layout, one of my all time favorites. Featured in the "moments to share" article

More projects...

Tuesday, October 3, 2006

Sharing some more projects done with the Crafty Keepsakes October kit! Loving the Urban Lily! Totally loving this kit! The papers and colors just the whole kit is AWESOME! And I have hardy dipped into it! So much stuff! This layout is a small one using leftovers from the layout last week. Everything here is in th e October kit except the pen ;) but you can buy that in the store!This mini-book I did as part of Ali Edwards ezine challenge from last week! I just got around to making it and the doodlebug rub-ons in the kit make great titles! The book features my 5 current favorite things.
Remember too that Crafty Keepsakes is hosting a Design Team call! So pop in and apply!

September Round-Up!

Monday, October 2, 2006

Its round up time!

What books and/or magazines did I read this month?
Yeah right! I read a few scrapbook magazines. I really need to visit the library again and see what design books they have!

What movies and/or tv shows did I watch this month?
Well most shows ended this month! TV: Monk, Stargate, Atlantis, Psych, Life on Mars all ended. Movies: none that were very memorable! I should really start noting down what we watch!

What special days did I celebrate and how?
September 8th is our wedding anniversary. We went out for dinner at Vegetable Delight, then popped into the Cantina to see Nigels band play. Other than that nothing else celebrated.

What illnesses or health concerns did I have?
Shingles :( Thankfully I feel ok in myself just the darn rash and maddening itch! Still that's the third outbreak in 18 months!Sky had an ear infection and her anal sacs are still giving her trouble.

What fun things did I do with my friends and/or family?
Dinner out a couple of times; Cantina to see Nigels band play with their new female singer; lunch buffet with the boys; Cos of the shingles and our wonky van I've not been out much.

What new foods, recipes or restaurants did I try this month?
I don't think we tried anything new this month! Although according to Bob I can never cook the same thing the exact same way twice! Oh, we did try the packet mix hummus and felafel, really cool quick and easy meal! 10 minutes and its done! Definately something I'll be keeping in the kitchen cupboards from now on!

What special or unusual purchases did I make?
I didn't make any. Bob paid for his bike engine to be fixed and finally got that back on the road! whoohoo! We also joined the Gym! Oakridge. Yes we have a multigym and eliptical trainer in the garage but its full to bursting right now and we just can't get in there! So we joined the gym.

What were this months dissapointments?
I didn't make the Scrap that Moment Design Team.. BUT that was counterbalanced with..

What were my accomplishments this month?
Making the Scrappy Chick Design Team! SO excited that Lynette gave me this opportunity! Loving the whole crew at scrap that moment and scrappy chick! Great bunch! Can't wait to see my projects in the fall edition!

Anything else noteworthy to record?
Published in Scrapstreets September ezine, Including my digital design team work. Layouts in newsletter for Crafty Keepsakes and Treasures to Scrap. I did a self-portrait photo shoot as I needed head shots for scrappy chick and I love the shots I got. Also got projects picked up for October ezines. I am designing a digital kit - about half way through! I submitted to a few calls this month and I managed to do a few challenges, not as many as I'd hoped but I got some done!

All in all September was a good month! I leant a lot about myself and my scrapbooking style really popped out at me! I could have done without the shingles though!